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(TW) what do i do in this situation?

so I have this friend who i used to have a crush on but then i lost my feelings for her in that way. anyway she has been super rude and annoying in the last few months; she has always been a bit stubborn but it has recently just turned into arrogance, if she doesn't get her way she will just do this pouty face or spit the dummy on it, if she wants to play dodge ball but the rest of the class want to play basketball she will just sit down on the sidelines with her nose stuck up into the air and not play. If she is not the main character in the class play she will try (and succeed) in worming her way to a bigger part. she calls me and my best friend stupid, dumb, selfish, and unimportant to our face and then get super offended and bratty when we call her out on it, and she always pulls the "anxiety or ADHD cards" on us if she does or says something completely out of touch, she blames it on her non-existent ADHD or Anxiety. (she has not been diagnosed, I am not trying to invalidate people who actually live with these conditions) also i swear she genuinely thinks that the WHOLE world revolves around her, all she talks about is herself and how she was the victim in every single situation. I don't just want to immediately un-friend her and abandon her for the new school year, so I have formulated a plan (insert evil laugh here) kidding its not an evil plan, anyway i will simply approach her and explain in a polite way the things she maybe, sometimes, DEFINITELY does that put other people down or that we find rude, and if she makes an effort to change her mannerisms to be more cautious when talking to the people close to her then we will remain friends, if not and she pulls out the pouty face, then I will simply say; ok,  find someone else to sit with at lunch, find someone else to sit beside in class, find someone else to cheat off of in class, find someone else to torture until this interaction happens with the next person,

find someone else to tackle to the ground,

spill their food every where and then cry when you get backlash, find someone else to call dumb, and tell them that they don't have anything important in their lives, find someone else to unload your feelings onto but then not let them peep a word to you about theirs, just find someone, anyone else, because I'm done with you, end of story, the final page, done.


Sorry that was a really long rant, I'm just exhausted with this friendship.

ZooliePosted 12-01-2024 04:20 PM


sage_wombatPosted 12-01-2024 06:28 PM



I love that you've created a plan and just wanted to say good luck in talking to this friend! It can be difficult when dealing with friends like this but it is so great you're willing to communicate with her about it. It can be hard at times but it's always important to take care of yourself, especially when someone is behaving this way towards you

don't forget there's always an entire community of people willing to support you here, as well as counsellors, family and friends you may have so don't be afraid to reach out if this behaviour continues from her


once again good luck! Hopefully everything goes well for you!

Astra-ROPosted 12-01-2024 05:26 PM

Hey Zoolie, 


Thanks for sharing what sounds like quite a tricky situation with your friend. I’m hearing that you’ve noticed some pretty big changes in your friend’s behaviours towards you and your other friends, and not for the better. I think your plan sounds like a good idea, definitely not evil at all. Communicating in an direct and honest way with your friend while making your boundaries clear sounds like a positive and constructive way of moving forwards. Your friend’s behaviour towards you- calling you names, getting physical, and cheating off you in class are not okay. I wonder if you’ve spoken to a trusted adult about what has been happening, such as a teacher or parent? Also, we have an article you might find helpful around planning this conversation with your friend here


I just wanted to flag as well that I’ve added a trigger warning to your post and a spoiler tag, and we’ll be sending you an email to check in, so keep an eye out


Looking forward to hearing back from you

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