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Update: safe to assume ill never get closure.

hi again pretty dissapointing update since i last posted shes completely disconnected any memory we had together we onto week 6 nothing and from what I see is enjoying stuff with someone else its not confirmed but i cant help but trust my gut if its the case i just wish i could talk to her even if its for a minute if a misunderstanding took place I do not know anymore

eden_m01Posted 15-01-2025 07:34 PM


SteadyStepsPosted Sunday

Hi @eden_m01,


I'm really sorry to hear that things have been so difficult, especially with the lack of closure.


It can be really difficult when someone you care so much about completely disconnects, leaving you with so many unanswered questions.


It might be helpful to give yourself some space to process everything, even if it's hard, and focus on your own healing in the meantime. As others in the comments have suggested, this could look like practicing self care, which could give you a bit of space to clear your mind and recharge.


Regardless, please know that the ReachOut community is always here to support you. 


I'm sending you hugs and wishing you all of the best during this tough time. ðŸ’›

GemzPosted 16-01-2025 12:07 PM

Hey, I’m really sorry to hear you’re still going through this. It must be so tough, especially feeling like you're in the dark with no closure and just trying to make sense of it all. It’s completely understandable to want that moment of clarity, a conversation to understand what happened, or even just to have that connection again. But I hear you – it seems like you’re in this place where you’re not sure where you stand or if you'll get that chance. It’s a hard spot to be in.

Sometimes our gut feelings can be so strong, but it’s also a bit of a tricky situation when we’re not getting the full picture. I really get how frustrating it can be to be left with unanswered questions and feeling like everything you once shared might be fading away. I wish there was something I could say to make it all better or help you move through this more easily.

Have you been able to reach out or get any closure, even if just from your side? Or do you feel like you’re holding space for something that might never come? Either way, I’m here to listen and support however I can.

eden_m01Posted Sunday

holding space for something that might never come we nearly in febuary an if it reaches that point im going to have to move on with my life as sad as it is i cant keep wondering as she seems to move further 

Luna_LovegoodPosted 15-01-2025 09:37 PM

Hi @eden_m01 

I'm so sorry to hear this has happened to you. It sounds like you have a lot of love for her and care for her deeply. How she has treated you is not fair and you deserve so much more than that. I can understand what you are going through. In a past relationship, my partner would block me on everything without explanation and I would go crazy thinking of every possible thing I could have done to make him do this and all I wanted was answers so the mental torment could stop. It is very easy to fall into the trap of overthinking - whilst it is a terrible feeling, it is very common and normal. Whilst it is very hard to see now, as it is very fresh and healing takes time, a person who would discard you and your feelings this way does not deserve you in their life.


Healing truly happens with time, and as @starhlights and @shining_sun have already stated, it is definitely a time to be kind and patient with yourself and practice self-care. I am very glad that you have reached out on here, that is a great step and we are here for you! Talking with other support systems you may have might also help, or spending time with friends to keep your mind off of things. Getting through this won't happen overnight but I promise you will get there. 


Here is a link to a self-care thread that might give you some ideas for how to take care of you: 

eden_m01Posted Sunday

I really appreciate u alot !! ill defo take a look at some selfcare ive been through much worse before so <33

starhlightsPosted 15-01-2025 08:48 PM

Hi @eden_m01!


I agree with everything @shining_sun has said. Your feelings are absolutely valid. It’s incredibly tough when closure doesn’t come (even though every atom in your body is aching for something to come), and I can relate. I’ve gone through something similar, where I longed for answers and to understand what went wrong, but closure just never came. It’s painful, especially when you’ve lost someone who was a regular part of your routine, and that absence is felt deeply.


During that time, I leaned heavily on friends and family, talking it out and being open about my emotions. I also found journaling really helpful—it was a way to get everything out of my head and onto paper. It made me realize that sometimes, the closure you need is simply recognizing that you did what you could, and that in itself is enough.


As hard as it is, please keep taking care of yourself. It might help to get outside, go for a walk, or make some plans to look forward to. Keep doing the things that bring you joy, even if they don’t feel as fulfilling right now. It takes time. The first few weeks were especially difficult for me, but getting over someone is rarely a straight path. It’s okay to have up and down moments.


Remember, you’re an incredible person who deserves respect and love. Please be kind to yourself, and I’m wishing you all the best as you move through this.

shining_sunPosted 15-01-2025 08:26 PM

Hey @eden_m01

I read through your last post to get caught up to speed-

I'm sorry to hear how things have developed with your partner. It's undoubtedly a very tough and painful experience to feel disconnected and left with questions unanswered. It's completely valid to feel hurt and confused, especially since you haven't been able to discuss this with her.

I was in a long-distance relationship as well when I was a bit younger, and found it tricky to communicate consistently with my partner for what I needed. I found that quite often, I would feel stressed and anxious by the lack of communication, so in some way- I can see how you might be feeling. I want you to know that your feelings are important here, and even if it feels impossible, try to do some little things to continue to take care of yourself (I know in your last post, you mentioned some hobbies which is awesome). It's hard not to overthink in these kinds of situations, but I know that constantly overthinking can eventually take a toll on our bodies. I hope you are able to find some strategies to practice some self-care. I feel like journalling or even continuing to use online forums like this one can be helpful for me if I ever need to work through a thought or feeling that has come up. And of course, this community is here to support you! 

I'd also like to remind you that whats happened with your partner is not at all related to what you are worth as a person, a friend or a partner, and says much more about where they are at. I can see from your posts that you are the person who can reach out and communicate to work through complicated things, and you deserve that from the people in your life as well. 

Take it one day at a time, @eden_m01 ! Even though it feels uncertain now, clarity and peace sometimes come with time. You are stronger than you know and you've got this. 

We are here for you. ðŸ’™

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