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What's everyone's favourite games?

Hey everyone! I thought it would be fun to share any games you play on the regular. For me recently, I've been playing alot of Zelda TOTK. I'm ambitious to finish the game entirely (although it will probably take me a long time lol 😂). I'm open to any game recommendations!

gigacookie04Posted 23-03-2024 01:32 PM


Perri_rabbitPosted 14-10-2024 08:01 AM

I think mine is genshin impact it's a fun rpg game and I recommend👌

EstakzPosted 12-09-2024 10:03 PM

Hey man,


My favorite game(s) would probably have to be STALKER: GAMMA for the brutal and hardcore survival, then Minecraft for the nostalgia and the Counter Strike series. Sadly most of my favorite games require a decently good PC to run them and my dad doesn't let me play games that much anymore 😔

Beach_enjoyer2101Posted 28-08-2024 04:22 PM

Hey @gigacookie04,


My absolute favourite games have to include Red Dead Redemption 2, Wolfenstein (love the whole series) and Lego Marvel Superheroes.

cteenieePosted 17-04-2024 12:35 PM

Hi there!

I'd say Stardew Valley is my favorite game ❤️ I love the game so much that I have over 300 hours on it, acquired over the past three years of playing it 😅 I still have much to learn as initially, I played casually thinking it was just a regular farming game with no storyline - I was so wrong though. 

gigacookie04Posted 19-05-2024 12:42 PM

Hey @cteeniee
I absolutely love Stardew Valley too. One of my favourite games actually. But yes it's definitely not your typical casual game and it has such a great storyline. You must really love it, seeing that you have over 300 hours 😅

cteenieePosted 24-05-2024 10:26 AM

Hey again @gigacookie04 !
😅 I feel like such a hermit whenever I come to realise that I've played a lot of Stardew Valley! I'm so glad to talk to another fellow Stardew Valley farmer - do you have the new update, and how are you liking it if you do?

dewgongPosted 10-04-2024 01:02 PM

I love playing games with my friends or my partner. We love Overcooked 2 and Mortal Kombat lately. Also we like to play Valorant together with a group of friends. 


I love TOTK but I eventually got burnt out from it and haven't picked it up in months. I've recently been playing Good Pizza, Great Pizza on my iPad though and it's so much fun! 

gigacookie04Posted 10-04-2024 10:51 PM

Hey @dewgong


I definitely have had my share of Overcooked 2 and Good Pizza Great Pizza. I really enjoy it 😀. I understand your feeling towards TOTK though, it definitely needs a clear mind. Also love how you play with other people. Just makes gaming so much more fun

Orchid_MallardPosted 01-04-2024 12:00 AM

Hey there @gigacookie04


Some of my top reccomended games would be Genshin Impact, the Persona series and any Daniel Mullen games like Pony Island or Inscryption.


As you can see from the selection, it is very much lore and story based games that I like.

gigacookie04Posted 07-04-2024 11:17 PM

Hey @Orchid_Mallard!
I absolutely love Genshin Impact but I have never played any of those other games. I definitely like a good story based game myself. I should honestly make a list of games to play soon 😅

Orchid_MallardPosted 14-04-2024 09:34 PM

@gigacookie04 Ohhh speaking of story based games, what specific games do you like or have played before?

gigacookie04Posted 19-05-2024 12:45 PM

Hey @Orchid_Mallard

Currently I'm also playing Tekken 8. Really love the interactive story mode, it's very engaging. Also really love Stardew Valley

Orchid_MallardPosted 26-05-2024 09:21 PM

Hey @gigacookie04

Long time no talk! Tekken 8 huh? Who is your favourite character? Also how is Stardew Valley like? I never had the opportunity to play the game yet.

GreenfernPosted 25-03-2024 03:23 PM

Hi @gigacookie04


Recently, I regularly play league of legends and honkai: star rail. Star rail has some realllyyy neat cutscenes, but I can't share them here because they would be spoilers if you were interested in playing the game at some point. 🙂 


As for game recommendations, I would recommend Hollow Knight. I went through about one third to one half of the game, and I was quite impressed by the music and the art. It's a pretty difficult game unfortunately, but it's well made. I wish there was an easy mode for people like me who play the game mainly for the story and exploration. Definitely check it out!

gigacookie04Posted 25-03-2024 08:55 PM

Hey @Greenfern!

I also play League of Legends and Honkai: Star Rail too! I do really appreciate games with good cutscenes, it adds so much to a game. I haven't played it entirely yet so it's good you didn't spoil anything 😅. Also thank you for the game recommendation! I've never played Hollow Knight, but I'm definitely up for the challenge for sure. I'm definitely more likely to finish a game with a good story and art style.

GreenfernPosted 26-03-2024 02:01 PM

Hey @gigacookie04


Thats cool! What's your favorite/most played league of legends champion? Also, what's your favorite character so far in star rail? I haven't caught up completely yet either 🙂  I'm hyped for luocha rerun and so I'm trying to play more of it recently and save jades for him 😄 

gigacookie04Posted 26-03-2024 09:07 PM

Hey @Greenfern,

My favourite League of Legends champion would probably be Thresh. I just love his graphics and style so much. As for Star Rail, I would say my favourite character so far would be Natasha for her healing. I also want Luocha really badly. Can't wait to get him eventually 😅. I wish you luck in getting him too! What is your favourite League of Legends champion?

GreenfernPosted 27-03-2024 03:22 PM

Hey @gigacookie04


I'm a huge lillia fan (it's gotten to a point where people are like, "don't you get tired of playing jungle lillia?"). 


For Star Rail, I love the combat animations and aesthetics of imbibitor lunae. Patch 2.1 just came out today, and Luocha is there waiting to be taken home! 🙂 I also wish you luck in getting him.

gigacookie04Posted 29-03-2024 09:14 PM

Hey @Greenfern,

Oh yeah, Lillia is also a pretty good one too I can't lie. Don't worry play it as much as you want 😅. I also saw Patch 2.1, I am so excited for it!

GreenfernPosted 09-05-2024 11:38 AM

Hey @gigacookie04


I ended up getting luocha and winning the 50/50. How did it go for you? 🙂

gigacookie04Posted 19-05-2024 12:39 PM

Hey @Greenfern

I got Luocha too! Literally so happy right now 

GreenfernPosted 20-05-2024 01:43 PM

Yayyy for both of us! He's such a comfy healer

Green_GhostPosted 25-03-2024 12:47 PM

I played Stray a few months ago with my partner, a game about a cat that falls into like an underground steampunk society filled with robots and you (the cat) have to make it out. So good, I would recommend 😋 I want to play it again

gigacookie04Posted 25-03-2024 09:00 PM

Hey @Green_Ghost!

Aww that's so cute you played it with your partner. A couple of my friends actually played Stray but I've never tried it myself. I think maybe I should give it a go, now that someone else has recommended it. I do love cats after all 😅 

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