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tell me what you are feeling today

tell me if your sad or any other feelings 

Orchid_DolphinPosted 08-10-2021 12:33 PM


Parker_rxecxrPosted 18-12-2023 09:12 PM

i ended up losing another friend today, i only have one left but we are pretty distant. im on school holidays at the moment so i cannot accsess my help when it comes to my phycologist. i want more friensd but i keep on making small stupid mistakes which ends up with them not liking me and leaving and i have no idea what im doing wrong. i got ghosted on my birthday, thats reals great, i didnt say anything to my group but i did plan going out a week in advanced but none of them came out. i just dont think the universe wants me to have friends in highschool.

Bailey_ROPosted 18-12-2023 09:40 PM

Hey @Parker_rxecxr 

Welcome to the Forums!

I am sorry to hear that you lost one of your friends today, it is understandable how tough that must be for you. I was wondering if you felt comfortable sharing more about this and what happened?

I know that you also mentioned that you were ghosted on your birthday, that must have been really upsetting for you, especially since you were planning something in advance. Were you able to still do something nice to celebrate?


Friendships can be really challenging at time and you are certainly not alone in feeling this way. Sometimes as we grow older, our friendships do change and this isn’t a reflection of you or because of something you have done. I was wondering if you’ve tried talking to some of your friends about why they have ghosted you or shared how you are feeling with them?

If you're interested, we have some really great resources and articles about friendships that share stories from other young people, as well as information about how to make new friends and deal with changing friendships.


I know that you also mentioned that you aren’t able to access help from your psychologist right now. I was wondering if you have any other supports in your life or people you can talk to? If you would like some more support on school holidays, you can also connect with KidsHelpline and speak to someone over the phone or through webchat. It is a free service and they are available 24/7 for one on one support.

i_like_barbecue_shapesPosted 16-08-2023 12:51 AM

ive been feeling really flat and sort of numb since all my stress became so much i just stopped feeling it. I also haven't slept properly in weeks. But im eating tim tams rn and they make everything better.

Also, thanks for asking (and how are you?) 

Erin_ROPosted 16-08-2023 02:26 PM

Hey @i_like_barbecue_shapes

I can really relate to Tim tams making everything better! Sounds like you have been going through a lot over the last few weeks in terms of stress, feeling low, no sleep and now feeling numb from it all. Do you know what has been making you feel so stressed?

i_like_barbecue_shapesPosted 16-08-2023 06:45 PM

school; but my assesments almost over, thank god 🙂

Chloe-ROPosted 16-08-2023 10:00 PM

Hey there @i_like_barbecue_shapes ,


First of all, I have to say I can relate to your username 🙂 BBQ shapes are awesome!


That aside, I hear that school is stressful right now. As you head towards the end of term, I can see how exams and assessments are filtering in. Have you ever looked into articles from RO that may help you through this stress? You can have a look here for ways to cope with stress, exam stress, what stress does to the body etc. You might find some helpful and practical ways to help manage some of this stress. What do you think?


All the best for the remainder of your assessments!


pdoyl19Posted 13-06-2023 09:36 PM

i am feeling super stressed as i have a whole bunch of assessments and exams due this week😒

Amber-ROPosted 13-06-2023 09:47 PM

Hey! @pdoyl19

I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling stressed at the moment, that does sound like a lot to have to deal with at once. 

Are there any self-care ideas that you could try integrate into some of your breaks throughout this week? Maybe making sure that you go for a walk, or taking a couple of breaths when things get too stressful and overwhelming? My favourite is to have a big cup of hot tea with me while I do some reading 🙂 

All the best

pdoyl19Posted 13-06-2023 09:56 PM

Hey! @Amber-RO

It is a lot, i love to have a cup of either tea or hot chocolate (especially in the winter) and watch a movie/show on netflix or call and catch up with a friend

Thanks for the help❤️


Lani1303Posted 12-05-2023 02:12 PM

Glad there is a post like this because things like this really helps me. Not feeling the greatest rn, sick, laying in bed. Took a covid test and it came out invalid. Took another one, still invalid. So, so, SO anxious aswell. Took a test (harder than NAPLAN) and breezed through it. It was easy, too easy, as if I was thinking about the questions in the wrong way, much like a kindergartener. I think I'm gonna relax tonight with a mask and Animal Crossing. I'll take another covid test tomorrow, fingers crossed it comes out negative! 🤞🏻 


Blake_ROPosted 12-05-2023 03:18 PM

Hey @Lani1303

I'm glad you found this post and were able to share how you're feeling today! 


I'm sorry to hear that you arent feeling the best at the moment and have been sick. It sounds like you have some really positive strategies and self-care organised for tonight which is great to hear. 


I know that you mentioned that you were feeling anxious and was wondering if you felt comfortable sharing more about this? Are you feeling anxious about testing positive to Covid or is it something else? 


Hope you feel better soon. 😊

HappyApplesPosted 13-11-2021 08:57 PM

I'm feeling very grateful that I got to see a friend I hadn't seen for nearly 6 months today 🥰How are you @Orchid_Dolphin

TOM-ROPosted 13-11-2021 06:22 PM

I am feeling A-Okay today. Have had a refreshing last few days filled with positive things, so I am using those to charge me up through to next week!

HappyApplesPosted 13-11-2021 08:54 PM

I'm so happy that you've had a good few days! 💛

November13Posted 12-10-2021 12:58 PM

I'm a bit stressed out because I have a lot to do in the next few months, but I'm content with how things are turning out.


How are you feeling @Orchid_Dolphin@Orchid_Dolphin ?🧡

Emily-ROPosted 18-10-2021 03:26 PM

Hey @November13 what are you stressed about? 💙

November13Posted 26-10-2021 01:12 PM

Hey @Emily-RO, thanks for reaching out! I just happen to have lots of paperwork to sort out on top of uni and taking on more shifts at work. It's a good kind of stress though, I feel like an adult with all these responsibilities haha 😋 I already have some of these things sorted now and in a few months I will be all done!

Taylor-ROPosted 26-10-2021 09:46 PM

Wow @November13. Thanks for sharing. It sounds like you are enjoying the challenges of being an adult! Good on you. It also seems like you are on top of things at the moment which can be really nice to feel accomplished.

November13Posted 28-10-2021 02:39 PM

Thanks @Taylor-RO♥️ I know getting these things done will help me step up my adult game no matter how often the paperwork thing can go wrong 🙂 And every time I get one more thing done I do feel so accomplished! 

rumi1207Posted 26-10-2021 02:39 PM

so good to hear @November13


love the way you handle stress in a calm, and focused manner!! So awesome! 


Hope everything goes well with the paperwork, uni, and work! 🙂 

November13Posted 26-10-2021 04:51 PM

Thank you @rumi1207💜

goldwing03Posted 29-10-2021 08:27 PM

HI @November13 ,

Adulting is definitely stressful, but I agree with you- once it's done you'll definitely feel HEAPS better. I'm a little stressed too just with school and stuff- but how are you feeling today?

Here to chat xx

November13Posted 31-10-2021 10:13 PM

Hi @goldwing03 ,sorry to know you're stressed with school. I've just submitted some pretty hard and boring assignments and I'm just super relieved now that I'm done  🎉 Planning for some serious self care next week before I tackle the rest of the term 😋

goldwing03Posted 02-11-2021 07:23 AM

Good to know you're practing self-care!

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