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Gender Confusion

I'm really confused on what I should label as my gender. I was born in a female body but my genes and DNA were predominantly male. So I was born biologically as a man and physically as a woman, I've been non-binary for a while but it just doesn't sit right. I'm not sure what to choose in terms of Pronouns as some days I feel like being referred to as "he" or "him" but then sometimes she, her, they, them, it, its. I'm not very familiar with all of this due to the fact I've gone to strict religious schools and live with a carer who is very anti-gay and all of this stuff. It's been bothering me as I feel like I'm losing who I am and I really need some help on finding clarity on it. 

Totally_Not_RileyPosted 25-02-2023 05:20 PM


Blake_ROPosted 27-02-2023 03:46 PM

Hey @Totally_Not_Riley 

Thank you for sharing this with us, it sounds like this has been really difficult and confusing for you and I’m really glad that you’ve reached out for some support.

I was wondering if you have spoken to anyone about this and shared how you’re feeling? I was also wondering if you had any medical supports through a GP or mental health professional that you could talk to about this, or if this is something you’d consider? 

If you’re interested in having a read, we have a collection of articles and resources about gender that you may find helpful. I also wanted to share this article that provides LGBTQIA+ specific support services if you were wanting some more support.

How are you feeling after sharing this?

Remember that we are all here to support and listen to you.

Pete-ROPosted 25-02-2023 07:30 PM

Hi @Totally_Not_Riley 


Thank you for reaching out here on the Forums!


Gender can be really confusing at times and that's ok as it's more complex than just binary genders. Not everybody gets it either so we have to fine some resiliance whcih can be really challenging. I have a resource that I will share with you that discribes some differnet gender terms that you might find helpful: 

If you could be who you want to be right now what would that person look like to you? And I'm wondering what things that you can control in your life can contribute to you becoming more of that person? 


We are here for support and please reach out anytime you feel like you need to or have questions to post.


I wish you all the best on your journey! 😊



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