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Christmas feels 🎄
For those who celebrate - how is everyone feeling leading up to Christmas?
It can be a very stressful time of the year for a number of reasons. For myself, I can find it difficult to be around my family for long periods of time, and have had to manage my triggers in that environment (still a work in progress)
I just wanted to check to see how others feel about Christmas, and what are come coping strategies or boundaries you might have in place to make the season more enjoyable?
Merry Christmas everyone! There is so much to look forward to
Hi there @QuietFocus211
I'm feeling a bit anxous about christmas tbh. I also find it difficult to be around family for extended periods of time, as I don't like being asked intrusive questions and often times they all give me sensory overload. I also get easily annoyed when this happens so I have to have a lot of self control and this can be difficult, I don't want to lash out on anybody 😬
Often times my family all gather in one place for christmas (usually someone's house), so if I feel myself getting irritated or feeling sensory issues, I go to the bathroom for a little bit. I mostly just look at myself in the mirror and do some grounding techniques so that I can calm back down, or I will tell myself words of affirmation about how well I'm doing. Boundary setting is usually difficult, and my family often won't take 'no' for an answer, so grounding really comes in handy for situations where I feel wound up, annoyed, or upset. I love unwinding after christmas as well, and spending some time by myself doing things that I love to reconnect with myself.
Best of luck for the christmas season, I hope it is as stress-free as possible ❤️💚
I'm glad that you posted about this topic, as I am finding it to be quite relatable this year. While I normally do not feel quite stressed during Christmas time, this year seems to be different for me as I've got alot of personal things on my mind.
However, in terms of coping strategies, I think that I am going to spend some time indulging in the things that I truly enjoy. I definitely do think that I need to distract myself from all the noise this year. While I do enjoy spending time with my family and friends over this period, I honestly believe that having some time to self-reflect and do your own thing is so important. As such, having that split timeblock (time for yourself) (time for your family and friends) does feel key in order to avoid exhaustion etc.
Hey everyone, I'm feeling very excited! I'm hitting the puperty stage though and im worried that I'm going get my period soon.
Hey @Sunset_Turkey ,
Welcome to ReachOut! Thank you for being courageous and sharing what you’re going through with the community. It sounds like Christmas will be exciting for you but you are also feeling worried about getting your period soon. Everyone goes through puberty and everyone who has female reproductive organs will experience a period, so you’re not at all alone!. While it can be a scary time going through so many changes, it can also be exciting for some and sad for others. It’s completely normal to be feeling a number of emotions! I am curious if you’ve spoken to any friends or family about how you’re feeling?
I want to share this article about puberty, reproduction, and sex from Body Talk. It explains different aspects of puberty with advice and tips! If you’re interested in 1:1 support, I encourage you to connect with Health Direct. They offer free 24/7 health advice and also have a symptom checker you can use. I also encourage you to connect with ReachOut’s 1:1 Peer Chat service, which is free and confidential for young people aged 16 to 25. I am also wondering what you have been doing to take care of yourself during this time?
I hope this is helpful and look forward to hearing from you soon!
Hey @QuietFocus211
It definitely can be a stressful time of year for many of us. I cannot stress enough the importance of having coping strategies and boundaries and prioritising self-care during this holiday/festive period.
I am very thankful that I will be spending Christmas with my partner at home for the first time. Although I am sad about not being able to spend Christmas with my family who live interstate, I will be video calling them on Christmas, which is lovely.
I think it's very important during this busy time of year to set aside time for yourself. If you can block out an hour or two in your day, you can dedicate time to yourself. Maybe you're like me and find baking something yummy is self-care/relaxing, or maybe even having a soak in the bath with a fun bath bomb and candles. When I've had big family gatherings, I found it great afterwards to just get curled up in bed with a platter of snacks, my favourite drink and watch a movie or play a game.
- Matcha_Toad 🐸🍵💚
I can also find Christmas very stressful, I often have to work leading up to and because I work in retail it can be quite busy and overwhelming. This can make Christmas day exhausting, especially if we are hosting.
For coping strategies, I find the quiet moments for us are pretty consistent and I use them to check in with myself and see how I'm feeling. So often we have early morning open presents then probably from about 9-9:30 we have some time before lunch and I use that moment. Whether it's simply putting things away or just going through my presents and if I have to set any up. That way I get a quiet moment. After lunch for me is always a good time as well, my family won't often ask questions if I go sit on the couch quietly by myself for a moment.
My second strategy is making sure I still do something I enjoy so for me it's baking or making platters at Christmas. So whether I do both or just one, I will often use that time to prep or do the finishing touches, I will often be left alone to do that, which I can control as well.
I think finding a moment for yourself is important, so you can check in with yourself and make sure your okay and do what you need to do if you are overwhelmed. I hope your Christmas goes well and these can help you.
I also find Christmas to be a very stressful @QuietFocus211
I agree spending time with family can be difficult and draining, which for me adds on a little self-imposed guilt where I feel like I should love being with my family all the time.
The best way I cope with Christmas is to really focus on my mental wellbeing and try to have it at the best state I can in order to allow for the hectic-ness of Christmas. Usually for me that means allowing for quiet time, whether that be having a break when meeting with family, taking a solo walk or listening to music to allow my brain to calm down after lots of interaction.
It's also very helpful for me to be open with my family about when I'm feeling stressed, anxious or otherwise drained from Christmas because it allows them to better understand me when I ask for some alone time or to not go to some event rather than them making more emotional judgements that I'm being rude.
I hope even though Christmas can be an intense time, that everyone can find some positives and fun in amongst it because looking for the silver linings in life can be so beneficial. And I'd be interested to see how everyone copes with this time too. Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone!!
I totally agree, especially with what you said about having self-imposed guilt about having any feelings of anxiety in the first place around family.
Thank you for sharing your coping strategies. I definitely think I'll be taking a leaf out of your book, especially with going for walks to reset the brain.
Merry Christmas@Appel_banappel and thank you for sharing!
Merry Christmas @QuietFocus211 !!!
Thankyou for this post, I totally agree that Christmas is so often a challenging time of year for people, for so many different reasons. I hope you're feeling really proud of yourself for the work that you've been doing around managing environmental triggers - i'm aware that this can be such a tricky thing to do!!
I'm very blessed to have a lovely and supportive family, but this time of year can definitely make relationships tense! Christmas thas been a tricky mental health time for me in the past, and tends to make me feel very reflective and also a little morose. My birthday is also this time of year too, which definitely makes me think a lot about the passage of time, what's changed in my life, what hasn't.
Sending lots of love and care to anyone who needs a little extra support this festive season 🎄🥰. I'm looking forward to hearing about everyone's favourite coping strategies!!
Thanks @Scarlet_Locust !
What does your Christmas usually look like?
@QuietFocus211 sorry for the late reply, I must've missed this one! I hope your Christmas went ok in the end and you managed to look after yourself 🥰. On Christmas day this year I went to spend the day with extended family and have a traditional lunch/dinner with lots of yummy meat and veggies (which is what I usually do)! The food usually takes a while to get sorted onthe day but is absolutely worth it in the end 😋.