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Weird fears

Everyone is afraid of something to some degree. Fear of certain things or situations are usually very common and help us stay safe. (Most of the time) But that being said, it’s also important to realise that fear can sometimes be a frightening sensation for some people that may seem out of proportion to others but feel very serious to them.


Which leads me to my question: if you feel comfortable with sharing, what’s a fear or fears you have that sounds weird to others but feel very real to you? (Won’t judge, I promise, mine are probably weirder)


I’ll give some examples of my own.

-fear of birds. I just find the talons, beaks, the way they fly and the sounds certain ones make so spine chilling and uneasy. I can be in a considerable distance of smallish birds but never actually close enough to touch them. As with larger birds, I can barely be in the same room with them.

-fear of chickens. Probably a more specific type of bird phobia I have ever since I went up to a caged rooster on a farm flapped it’s wings SO fast and let out the most bloodcurdling sound I’ve ever heard (I was 4, ok, their morning call sounded like hell on earth to me). I’m mainly afraid of live chickens that could be really loud and flap in my face when picked up but I’m completely ok with eating chicken for some weird reason


-fear of the scary laugh at the end of Micheal Jackson’s Thriller. I think I got this fear at my year 2 Halloween disco from hearing the song for the first time and feeling like an evil force was going to swallow me whole as it was played REALLY loudly through the room. Since then I always feel a bit uneasy when that song comes on (but it’s not too big of a deal, I usually turn off the song if I’m listening to music on the radio or my phone or leave the room until it’s over if I’m at a party)


Again, don’t feel like you have to share if you don’t want to. And if you feel like certain fears are really strong and overwhelming for you, don’t be afraid to talk them through with others, whether it be your family, friends or a professional.

Take care everyone ❤️

AcidMonster55Posted 21-10-2023 05:16 PM


FloFloPosted 21-10-2023 10:12 PM

Ooh, what a great idea for a thread! 

Talking openly about your fears can help you see them in a different light; it also means that you can find people who have common fears! 


For example, I totally agree with your fear of chickens! 

The reason for why is actually kind of funny too; my primary school had a chicken coop that I was allowed to go into and feed the chickens on Fridays. One Friday I couldn't wait for my teacher because I was so excited; I was pouring the food in when the rooster flew right up to the fence! It frightened me so much that I never went in there again, not even with the teacher. 

Oh, the silly messes you get into when you're young...


I am interested to see what fears others have!

AcidMonster55Posted 05-11-2023 04:21 PM

Hi@FloFlo thanks for replying! Yeah my primary school had a chicken coop people could feed as well. I don't think it had a rooster but regardless, I would ALWAYS be reluctant to go in for similar reasons. I honestly agree with you, we do SUCH stupid things when we're young. 

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