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I hate everything, IDK what is the point anymore, what am I really living for, cause all I can say is that there isn’t much, everything in my life has been pointless and it’s not exactly worth it. All I am living for atm is my music and maybe, just maybe my dog. and that is it. I just want to be happy once again. But nuuu, I have to be miserable, Why do I have to be depressed, if I wasn’t depressed, most of my problems would disappear. I can’t imagine what it is like to not have SI thoughts every single day. I hate life. I hate being human. I cannot find much joy. I hate the world. I would also very much appreciate no more thoughts about questioning my existence, Like shoo thoughts.  I totally am feeling better.. (was sarcasm).  I think I am just going to have a breakdown at this point. But, I cannot have a breakdown either because I don’t have the energy or tears for it at all. (I'm safe)

SkylarswimsPosted 10-03-2022 06:41 AM


RiskybuizPosted 13-03-2022 01:54 PM

Understand how it feels. I too feel this way as well in similar sense, it makes it hard doing your day to day everyday stuff and going out to events but you gotta put on a smile and mask what you feel deep inside - Very overwhelming indeed, all ya tryna do is get your mind out of a rut and experience positivity and optimism but somehow the sadness toxins tend to linger by. Hang in there mate, ride the waves and think about the things that are worthwhile in life and that you are grateful for!

Bre-ROPosted 10-03-2022 12:13 PM

Aw @Skylarswims, you must be feeling so exhausted by the thoughts and feelings you have atm 😓. It takes so much energy to get out of bed every day when life feels pointless and not worth it. You said that you just want to be happy again - can I ask how long it's been that you've felt this way? 


I wanted to acknowledge that even though life is really hard right now, you found two reasons that make life worth living. It takes a strong person to find some positives during such challenging times. What's your dogs' name + your favourite song/artist at the moment? Music is one of my favourite things in the world, and I can't imagine getting through tough times without it. 


I can imagine how uncomfortable it would be to have suicidal thoughts every day. Though it's horrible to hear that you're going through this, I'm so happy you decided to open up about it. Nobody deserves to handle that on their own, and we want to be here for you. 


I will send you an email today to see how you're feeling today. Keep an eye out for that when you get a chance 🙂

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