Hey @yonglixx welcome back to the community, it's lovely to hear from you again 🙂
That sounds very stressful with your laptop. How frustrating having your replacement laptop break so soon after the first one broke!
While I'm not a computer technician by any means, it does sound like the battery swelling up could be potentially dangerous. It could be safer to turn off the laptop and unplug it from any power source until you can get it repaired/looked at. I think it would be sensible to tell your parents (or any responsible adult you trust) as well. It sounds like you're worried about how your parents might react?
I think going to your school IT could also be helpful, or even going back to the original retailer as it sounds like you bought the laptop quite recently and might still be under warranty? Or even in the meantime you could contact the company the computer is from?
The community is here to support you with the stress of this, but we yeah can't really provide any specific advice around computer malfunctions! 😅