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My damaged laptop

I dont know if this is the right place to call for help, but I feel like I need it...


So one of my old laptops that I used for schoolwork broke in June of 2024 because of battery failures, so I bought a new laptop soon after and I guess it works quite better than the old one. However it wasnt until somewhere this month where the bottom case of my laptop started to swell up and exposed the insides of my laptop. I could see that my battery was swelling up only a bit and I just knew that this was a potential hazard. Now I kinda need help on what to do when this happens...


I dont really wanna tell my parents about it because then theyll probably suggest me to throw the laptop away despite my laptop still having a few more important files/data on it.


Ive been kinda stressed and anxious for the past few hours and regret not taking action asap... Should I go to my school IT next week to see what they can do about the swollen battery and to see if it can be replaced there, or should I be brave enough to tell my parents soon?




yonglixxPosted 01-03-2025 08:44 PM


SteadyStepsPosted 02-03-2025 10:10 AM

Hey @yonglixx,


I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing this at the moment. It sounds quite stressful and overwhelming, given there are important files on your laptop and you're unsure of next steps. 


I think the suggestions provided by @Astra-RO on how to approach this situation are helpful. Specifically around unplugging the laptop from the power source telling your parents, and informing IT at school. It's also understandable you're reluctant to tell your parents. At the same time, their support could make this situation easier to navigate, especially if any challenges come up along the way.


While I'm also unable to provide specific advice around computer functions, I'm wondering if there's anything you can do to take care of yourself while you brainstorm potential solutions? When I'm feeling stressed or overwhelmed I find it helpful to practice self-care, the smallest of actions still being helpful in grounding me. For me this can range from going on a walk outside to reading a few chapters of my current book. 


Wishing you the very best! ðŸ˜Š

Astra-ROPosted 01-03-2025 09:17 PM

Hey @yonglixx welcome back to the community, it's lovely to hear from you again 🙂 


That sounds very stressful with your laptop. How frustrating having your replacement laptop break so soon after the first one broke!


While I'm not a computer technician by any means, it does sound like the battery swelling up could be potentially dangerous. It could be safer to turn off the laptop and unplug it from any power source until you can get it repaired/looked at. I think it would be sensible to tell your parents (or any responsible adult you trust) as well. It sounds like you're worried about how your parents might react? 


I think going to your school IT could also be helpful, or even going back to the original retailer as it sounds like you bought the laptop quite recently and might still be under warranty? Or even in the meantime you could contact the company the computer is from? 


The community is here to support you with the stress of this, but we yeah can't really provide any specific advice around computer malfunctions! 😅

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