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Nurture relationship with siblings goal4

My siblings are the most important people to me and one of the goals I am working on is nurturing the relationship with my siblings.



I'd like to a good example to my siblings by expressing emotions in a healthy way through sport, art, music rather than in negative ways like aggressive behaviour. I'd like to spend more time with them and if I can't spend more time with them then make the time I do have with more as valuable as possible. 


I've been going to yoga with vahs and I was thinking maybe it would be good if I taught them what I have learnt because it probably be beneficial for them and maybe get them onto Smiling Mind too. 


Does anybody have any information or resources on younger siblings and relationships? perhaps role modelling too?


At the moment I'm trying to monitor my emotional behaviour and try to keep it positive and less angry and destructive, if anybody sees me doing this well that will help out with this goal I think because then I know what to do right.



j95Posted 30-04-2017 05:00 PM


scared01Posted 17-05-2017 11:13 AM
Maybe check the weather on your phone for your area? Then you could .ake a decision on the pavers then?
Its suppose to be drom friday until i think tuesday in my area @j95
j95Posted 17-05-2017 11:14 AM
It's just like general bits and peices I cant do if it's damp but I'm sure we can sort it out no stress @scared01
scared01Posted 17-05-2017 12:16 PM

ggod planning @j95

dont stress yourself over it too much

j95Posted 17-05-2017 10:37 AM
The stupid thing is I hAve things I could be doing like I need to call a few people up and arrange a few things like I need to order pavers etc but no point if I'm not going to be able to do anything with them until the rain stops @scared01 we can usually work if it's a raining a little but not today and also I'm dumb because I work shorts
j95Posted 17-05-2017 10:35 AM
Really @scared01 nooo 😞 I want to work
j95Posted 17-05-2017 10:31 AM
@scared01 I'm working but currently chilling in the beach of one of the work cars because it's raining
scared01Posted 17-05-2017 10:34 AM

yeah we are going to be getting smashed with rain over the next few days as of this arvo so im trying to get the waching and stuff done @j95 

im watching the big bang therory and riding the exercise bike

j95Posted 17-05-2017 10:06 AM
Yeah I like it @scared01 we might keep doing it each time until we get it done
scared01Posted 17-05-2017 10:28 AM

sound like a great project to work on for you guys to do

well done @j95


what are your plans for today?

j95Posted 17-05-2017 09:52 AM
Maybe not all together there's a few too many it we can all do a bit @scared01
scared01Posted 17-05-2017 09:58 AM

well thatll still be a good activity for you and your sibling as well

then maybe you could hand them up on the walls to remind you of them and a projevt you did together @j95

j95Posted 17-05-2017 09:47 AM
Yeah like some board games, some sports games, I bought one of those gigantic colouring pages a few of us can do it together @scared01
scared01Posted 17-05-2017 09:48 AM

wow sounds great @j95


itll be good to be able to all do a colouring in together

j95Posted 17-05-2017 08:49 AM
It makes the time with them special @scared01
scared01Posted 17-05-2017 09:33 AM

yes im sure it does @j95


its great that the time spent with them is very special to you


do you have any ideas of what you like to do with them at your next visit?


scared01Posted 17-05-2017 08:07 AM
Aww @j95
Really feeling for you
Thats horrible what happened and im hoping it will get better for both you and your siblings as well
scared01Posted 16-05-2017 11:29 PM
Wow @j95 that would have been really hard on you!
But it's good ur reunited with them now
j95Posted 16-05-2017 11:36 PM
I got promised when we got removed from mum and dad that I'd still get to see them but I couldn't, it didn't happen. I did so much for them and I always tried to run away from care to find them and make sure they were safe @scared01
scared01Posted 16-05-2017 11:08 PM
Thats the spirit @j95

It sucks when your not allowed to see them
scared01Posted 16-05-2017 10:49 PM
Awesome @j95

Its great that your getting to see them
j95Posted 16-05-2017 10:55 PM
Yeah I love and miss them @scared01 but I am grateful I can see them I wasn't allowed to see them for years
j95Posted 16-05-2017 11:12 PM
It's organised through a service and I guess they aren't always perfect and things don't always go to plan @scared01 but yeah I got taken away from them when I was younger, they split us up I didn't see them until about 2 and a bit years ago
j95Posted 16-05-2017 11:28 PM
I raised them, looked after them for so long then that happened @scared01
scared01Posted 16-05-2017 10:36 PM
Thats awesome @j95

Do you have any idea of what you'd like to do?

Oh that amazing board game you made!?

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