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Plans derailed

So i guess my plans to learn more about myself and help myself healed have finally hit the fan. Now I seek assistance on here.


I don't know what to do. I need treatment for my mental health but it feels like no one is getting back to me. I need assessments done and I can't get that on free services. I can't afford anything and I have Medicare and have had an appointment with my GP to set up a mental health plan to seek a place that can do the 'care in mind' package. But no one is getting back to me. It all feels so hopeless now and I feel like I won't get help. But I don't want to give up on this and I need some kind of advice for how to go about this. Thank you.

timaPosted 03-03-2025 05:44 PM


Jazz_ROPosted 03-03-2025 08:23 PM

Hi @tima, thank you for posting and sharing with the community about what’s been going on for you at the moment, we are here to support you 😊

It sounds like you are on a journey to heal and have been advocating for yourself to get the mental health support that you deserve. Seeking assistance from professionals takes a lot of strength and resilience, and it’s amazing to see the steps that you have already taken.

I can also hear how disheartening it has been not to be contacted back by these services that you have been referred to. Reaching out can be exhausting, and it’s understandable that you’re feeling let down, these feelings are all valid to be experiencing.
I’m wondering if you have been able to speak to your GP about these concerns and how a mental health professional hasn’t contacted you back? Sometimes, a GP can help investigate what’s happening or explore other options.

Waiting to see a mental health professional can be overwhelming, especially if there is a delay in getting support. How have you been looking after yourself while navigating this and are there things you do that bring some comfort while you wait?
This Headspace article also explores what to do while waiting for mental health services.

You might also be interested in checking out Medicare Mental Health Centres as these can also provide mental health support and information. They have many locations around Australia that you can visit in person or by calling 1800 595 212

Looking forward to hearing from you 😊

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