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TW: Been a while since I’ve posted something on here

So it’s been a while since I’ve been on here and posted something so I’m gonna just say I’ve been mutual.

but I’m getting help from people in my support system and have a headspace appointment next this Tuesday through the school. But I have someone there for me I’m dating him and he’s been my life at the moment and he makes me happy and I’ve been dating him for a month and 3 days and he I hugged him the other day first time I hugged him too and it made me so happy I’m not gonna lie tbh xx 

Tulip_StarlingPosted 02-03-2024 09:43 PM


Stormy-ROPosted 02-03-2024 10:19 PM

Hey @Tulip_Starling welcome back to the forums 😊 It sounds like you have been going through a lot of different things recently, some good and some bad. It can be really hard to go through those thoughts alone and it's heartening to hear that you have such a great support system around you, including from your school and your partner. The fact you got to hug him for the first time is very exciting. I was wondering if you have learned any coping skills for when the suicidal thoughts come up?


We've also just sent you an email to check in, so can you keep an eye out for that? 🙂

Tulip_StarlingPosted 02-03-2024 10:26 PM

Hi stormy-Ro,


thanks for welcoming me back to the forums.yea I've been going through a lot. Yea it felt great hugging him for the first time tbh. I haven't really learned any coping skills for when the suicidal thoughts come up I just sit there in silence and don't tell anyone until after class tbh. I've been missing my dad a lot too, I miss him that bad that when he died I wish it was me that died that day instead of my dad and most of this week I’ve just been forgetting to pack a lunch and when I have money for the canteen I feel like I can’t go up there and get something for myself because of my anxiety around socialising and especially at the canteen 


the email did come through by the way.



Stormy-ROPosted 02-03-2024 11:03 PM

Hey @Tulip_Starling thank you for sharing what's been going on, it takes a lot of strength to share it here and I'm glad you felt comfortable doing so. I'm really sorry to hear about you losing your dad, I can imagine how hard it must be to miss someone so much, especially as time goes on. Is there anyone in your life that you've shared these feelings with?


You mentioned that you don't really have any coping skills, but that you do tell people about your suicidal thoughts after class, which is a great step! I was wondering if you plan on talking about this in your Headspace appointment on Tuesday? You might also be able to talk about your anxiety of socialising at the canteen if you see them again.


I wanted to link you to some information about suicide safety plans, which can help when you're feeling overwhelmed by your thoughts and need to be reminded of how to cope. A really great service is Beyond Now which allows you to make a safety plan on your phone. ReachOut also has information on how to make a safety plan here. Let me know what you think 🙂

Tulip_StarlingPosted 03-03-2024 08:52 AM

Hi stormy-Ro,


I haven't shared these feelings with hardly anyone my school counsellor knows about this tho but she went on maternity leave so I have a new school counsellor at the moment.


i wasn't planning on talking to them about it i was gonna talk to them about me feeling like my safety plan isn't working when i have those thoughts.




Lily_ROPosted 03-03-2024 01:57 PM

Hi @Tulip_Starling how are you doing today?

It's reassuring to know that you've confided in your old school counselor, even though she's currently on leave. Having a new counselor available to you is a positive step. How have your sessions been going with the new counselor?

Discussing your concerns about your current safety plan with Headspace sounds like a great move. In the meantime, you might find it helpful to check out Beyond Blue's resources on safety plans while you wait for your appointment on Tuesday. Hopefully together with Headspace, you'll be able to make some positive adjustments to your safety plan to ensure it's effective when you need it most.

Take care and remember, we're here for you😊

Tulip_StarlingPosted 03-03-2024 02:13 PM

Hi Lily_Ro,


I’m doing okay.


the sessions with new counsellor have been going okay, my old school counsellor thought i would connect more with the counsellor i have now and i feel like she was right because i feel like I’ve connected with her more than my old school counsellor because she’s on leave with a baby.


i’ll try and take care.




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