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(TW) My Mother Drives Me Crazy

LOL hi guys, 

not long ago I was complaining about my parents and now I'm here to complain again because this time I went ballistic haha. SHORT STORY. Basically, my mum and I got into an argument, it got really heated and then she started saying things like she's going to call the government on me or the police and she's going to change her will because of my "attitude". And this whole argument started because I had no knowledge about My Gov and Centrelink, so I asked her a few questions about it but then quickly

she got angry and started yelling at me and acting aggressive so I was like "what' is up with you" an started defending myself.

But yeah, I don't know how to communicate with her and what to do when she gets mad so quickly because it's genuinely so unfair sometimes and she escalates things so quickly and starts saying mean things to me.

GOOEY_C12Posted 07-03-2024 09:31 PM


Astra-ROPosted 07-03-2024 10:26 PM

Hey @GOOEY_C12,

Thank you for updating us on how things have been going at home. It must be so stressful when the fights with your mum escalate quickly and she says hurtful things. It sounds like you were asking for her help and her reaction has left you feeling rejected and intimidated. It makes sense that you started defending yourself. I saw on your other post that you are able to get some space from the conflict at home at uni and you have your boyfriend as a support. I was wondering if you've found giving your mum space and going somewhere else helps when you notice things might be escalating?


I just wanted to let you know we'll be sending you another email shortly. We are concerned about your safety at home so please keep an eye out so you can let us know if you're okay!


In the meantime, we do have an article on what to do if things aren't safe at home and a page about domestic violence

GOOEY_C12Posted 08-03-2024 09:59 PM


the only safe place i really have is my boyfriend's. It's because i need reassurance and also just love and emotional support which i won't get if i stay alone in my room or go out for walks. Most of the time I want to cry and don't want to get awkward stares. But it felt like I couldn't even try to calm myself down because my mum said if I had a sleepover at my boyfriends she will stop her bank account so i won't be able to go to the gym. Gym and Quality time with my boyfriend is the only time i really feel sane and trapped inside of my unsolvable and uncontrollable issues. 

Nymeria-ROPosted 08-03-2024 11:21 PM

Hey @GOOEY_C12,

I really appreciate you getting back to us and sharing what you have been going through recently. 

I'm sorry to hear you're feeling trapped and struggling with the situation with your mum. I'm glad you have a safe place to go to and I can imagine how overwhelming it might feel when your mum says she will stop the gym payments if you sleepover there.

It can feel so disempowering having something important taken from you against your will. With how much you're going through right now, it's good to know you have someone you can rely on for emotional support.

With how difficult things have been for you, I'm curious if there are any other ways you've been practicing self-care? Or any that have worked for you in the past?

I thought it might be worth checking out Kids Helpline, they do free and anonymous counselling via phone and web chat. Would that be something you would be interested in?

Looking forward to your response!

GOOEY_C12Posted 14-03-2024 11:47 AM

Yess i've been trying to practice self care, like listening to music and making new friends since I just started my first year of uni. And I like posting because I feel like i get repsonses on here

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