Hi @Blurryphaced
Thanks for opening up to us about what you are dealing with at the moment.
I am really sorry to hear that you aren’t feeling heard or respected in your decisions regarding your medical care. I hear you are well supported by a team of medical professionals and have been putting in a lot of hard work to follow their recommendations. You also mention you feel your parents aren’t acknowledging this effort you have put into maintaining your weight over the last year which sounds really frustrating.
It must be overwhelming navigating the differing opinions and trying to advocate for yourself. I wonder do you feel able to express to your parents or anyone in your treating team what you have told us here? Do you think it may be helpful to do so? We have an article on our website outlining how to tackle these difficult conversations with parents.
It must have been really stressful to receive the diagnosis of osteoporosis. How are you feeling about this? I encourage you to take some time to do some self care as you have such a lot going on for you right now. What kind of activities do you like to do to cope with stress?