I am so sorry to hear that you are bearing the brunt of this right now, my heart goes out to you, what has happened to you is undeserved and it is wrong. I think in the face of that it's okay to not be okay.
Marriage equality @InconsolableTruth is more than just an opinion, from my reading and my understanding of human rights it's very much a rights based issue, not something to be debated like it's an option. I think in the face of that it's okay to not be okay, but let's work together to make sure you are safe and to deal with the huge and understandable feelings that this whole situation brings up.
I want to keep talking about this with you, and i think you will find this is a pretty safe space to work through these feelings and get some support from others who are struggling with this.
However you have described surviving serious sexual assaults 😞 i wanted to know, are you getting support for that, Is that something you're able to do? This is not your fault, it's not okay and there is help out there. Here are some places where you can call to seek support in your local area, they will listen, take you very seriously and only work through what you're comfortable with working through. Are you comfortable with getting in touch with some one on one support?