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Im considering leaving TAFE

Tafe has been very difficult lately, and I'm struggling to complete the work. My mum really wants me to finish this course but it's taking a toll on me mentally. I want to withdraw but I'm afraid that my mum will be disappointed in me. What should I do? 

SnowySophPosted 21-04-2024 02:37 AM


Orchid_MallardPosted 21-04-2024 11:06 PM

Hey there @SnowySoph


Yeah completing schoolwork and studying at the same time is very mentally draining, especially when it is very important to your future. 

I had a time during my first and second year of university that I wanted to stop and to take a break because I started to feel mentally tired, but the more I went into the course that I didn't want to waste the efforts I have placed into completing the course.


But experiences of completing studies are very personal and differ from person to person, So before thinking of wanting to withdraw, can you try to think of the reasons why it has been taking a toll on you mentally? And is there ways for you to relax and recharge yourself, so that you won't feel mentally tired? 

I hope this will help you!

Be_the_LightPosted 21-04-2024 11:12 AM

First of all welcome to the RO community. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. It is incredibly brave 😊


It is completely understandable to feel torn between your own well-being and your mums expectations. While it can be extremely scary, it is okay to make our mental health our top priority.


Can I ask if you have had an open and honest conversation with your mum to share these feelings and challenges that you are facing? She may be more supportive than you think, and with her support you could explore some options and solutions.


Remember that it is absolutely okay to prioritise your own needs and make decisions that are best for you and your future. Take care. 🌻


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