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TW: hateful kid in our class

this happened yesterday but its still on my mind
ableism, homophobia, anti-semitism, hateful behavior, panic attacks, kind of a threat
during our german lesson, my gf starts crying really hard, so i rush with her out the bathroom, she tells me thing was being a bitch and asking why she was gay and asking her to dye her hair rainbow because shes gay…… my gf had a panic attack because of thing…. plus i once mentioned to him that i was a little bit Jewish( didn’t really know him very well at that time) and he turns around and says “K!LL HER!”

pdate: HR teacher talked to thing about how that was not ok….. thing responded “oh i didnt realise how serious the issue was” yes you did bitch…..

however….. HR teacher told me to tell her ASAP if he steps out of line again, then shell have a meeting with principal,head of middle and parents to discuss if our school is the right one for him

he didnt even get a detention for the things hes already done 😞 

hes going to keep doing stuff.... i just know it

anyways heres the update
update: HR teacher talked to thing about how that was not ok….. thing responded “oh i didnt realise how serious the issue was” yes you did bitch….. however….. HR teacher told me to tell her ASAP if he steps out of line again, then shell have a meeting with principal/head of middle/parents to discuss if our school is the right one for him
gay_disabled_humanPosted 24-02-2023 08:25 PM


Blake_ROPosted 27-02-2023 02:46 PM

Hey @gay_disabled_human

I’m sorry to hear that you and your girlfriend experienced this, I can only imagine how difficult and horrible that must have been and no one deserves to be treated this way. It’s really great to hear that you reached out to a teacher about this as this was certainly not okay – it really shows how courageous you are. I’m sorry that you didn’t feel supported by your teacher but hopefully now that they are aware, they can do more about this.


We have a collection of articles and resources around bullying that I thought may be helpful if you’re interested for yourself or even for your girlfriend. It sounds like you are very supportive and she’s lucky to have you.


I was also wondering about what supports you had in your life and whether you have spoken to anyone about this like a family member, GP or mental health professional?


I also saw the threat that you received in class and I’m sorry that you experienced this. Do you have any concerns around your safety from this person? Have you told anyone about this threat?

Chloe-ROPosted 24-02-2023 08:47 PM

@gay_disabled_human , what a terrible way to treat someone! No wonder your gf had a panic attack! We're glad the school is keeping a close eye on things. I hope it doesn't happen again!

gay_disabled_humanPosted 24-02-2023 08:26 PM

somehow most of the post ended up in spoiler, so if you want to read it, youll have to click the spoiler

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