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My friend group is gay lol

Hi guys, new to all of this...I came out as bi in may 2022 to my best friend who is also, a month and a bit later we found a new friend group (we had just recently removed ourselves from a toxic one) and we all get along really well. It wasn't until later we all found out that we are either Gay, Lesbian, or bi. It's just ironic that all they gays drifted together unknowingly lol.

Blue_HedgehogPosted 15-07-2023 11:51 PM


Pete-ROPosted 16-07-2023 12:45 PM

Hi @Blue_Hedgehog thank you for having the courage to share your identiy with your friend and here in this safe space on the Forums. It is a big step in the journey of life to come out and you found solidarity in your friend and new group. Like minded people do tend to gravitate towards each other and it is great for acceptance and respect of your life choices. Best of luck in the future 🏳️‍🌈

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