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positive queer interactions

hope this gives you a bit of a spark and you enjoy :}

number 1:
this is about my gay relative who does drag.
my aunt told me that if i wanted to she would get his mobile number and i could call him and talk about stuff that straight people wouldnt get lol.

i was like “i wanted to tell him soon anyways so maybe”

my aunt went “yeah its just a shame he’s so busy all the time”

number 2:
me: theres something stuck in my straw

aunt: ill just stick it in the dishwasher

me: oop! there it just came out..... like me

aunt: not officially yet though

me: most people know now, there was a rumour going around about it ages ago

aunt: and why didnt i know about this?

me: i just never told you
Number 3( I  think have posted about this before):
my aunt did something really nice for me recently that I thought should be acknowledged, I was talking to her about a gay meme I had seen earlier that day and then she told me she tried to buy me a rainbow pride plush but they were all sold outtt( happy tears). like I know she was supportive.. but I didn't realise just HOW supportive she was... shes a mfing legend.

BONUS!! A positive queer experience of a friend:
“do you want me to call you they?”

the words that gave my friend huge gender euphoria

months ago i made my friend a pronoun pin and they wore it today at our musical, their jacket blew open a bit and a teacher( that is CHRISTIAN!!!) saw it and asked “would you like me to call you they?" because i don’t know unless you tell me”. i was standing over not far away and heard it go down, then my friend came over and we both walked off in shock because that’s NEVER happened before.

now i kind of want to tell this teacher i go by she/they but she knows my family so they might found out( parents r transphobic and my aunt is a bit confused on they/them pronouns but is slowly getting better)

gay_disabled_humanPosted 27-08-2023 07:11 PM


Lapis_AnteaterPosted 29-08-2023 01:13 PM

Hi @gay_disabled_human


It always so nice to have contact with/talk to older queer people (even better when it’s family). There can be so much hate against us so it’s amazing to see people thriving and living regardless. Your aunty sounds so incredibly supportive. Definitely deserves legend status! Hopefully the restock the rainbow pride plush.


We love teachers being inclusive. It makes a world of difference. People being Christian and not bigoted really should be the norm but unfortunately it can be difficult to find. I’m really glad you have some supportive people around you.


This post has brightened my day. Thank you so much for sharing! I hope all of your future queer interactions are positive.

Chloe-ROPosted 27-08-2023 08:44 PM

Hi there @gay_disabled_human ,


Good on you for sharing these scenarios and situations. It not only helps people become more aware of the LGBTQIA+ community, but shows how society is changing to be more inclusive. It's great that you have an aunt you can be open with and that she fully supports you. I read that she sometimes gets confused with pronouns but is getting better. This article from Minus18 might be helpful whether for yourself or your aunt. At the end of the article, it says 'Practice, Practice, Practice!' So I guess confusion with pronouns is not uncommon 🙂


It's incredible to see how far you have come and how much progress you have made. 


We'll see you around on the forums and we look forward to hearing how things go!

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