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Anxiety and stress associated with self inflicted academic pressure

Dear readers, 

With every semester of university, my stress response has worsened to the extent that I am paranoid about assessments, performing well and gaining a successful entrance into a competitive master's program offered at the university I am currently studying at. I have been getting the occasional panic attack; I think and often feel like things are much worse than they really are in a moment of stress. I am seeking ways to minimise the feelings of panic and ways in which I can try and feel like everything is over. This stress has caused me to lose a bit of weight due to the shifted importance of hunger and perceived hunger in day to day life due to the paranoia associated with my assessments. 

Warmest regards, sackerly 

sackerlyPosted 22-05-2022 09:02 PM


Not applicable

cloudgreenPosted 22-05-2022 11:25 PM

Hi @sackerly if i can also chime in here! I am really sorry to hear that your currently experiencing a lot of stress and panic attacks, this is something I can relate to as I am also trying to recieve high university grades as I am in my final year and plan to apply for a competitive masters program next year. The stress that is placed on us externally and internally is extrememly high and it can play a detrimental role on our mental health and our ability to function. 

For myself I find it important to remember what is in my control and what is not, try to control what is in my control and try not to stress about what is out of my control because, it's out of my control! I know that it is easier said than done but practising this skill has really helped me manage my stress levels and helps in developing coping strategies when times are extra stressful. In this instance, what is in my control is my ability to complete my degree and try my best (but ensure I have some balance and me time or else I will overwork my self and this just results in much more negative than positive), and thats all I can do, all I can do is try my best and see what happens as a result. Do you have any tools or activites you like to do to relax and just have some 'me-time'? 


@Taylor-RO included some great resources that I also would suggest to help manage your current states of stress and panic.


We are always here to listen and I am so glad you have reached out today to express how you are feeling 🧡

Taylor-ROPosted 22-05-2022 10:36 PM

Hi @sackerly 


I am so sorry to hear about what you are going through :sad: It must be so difficult to feel paranoid and to experience panic attacks, especially while studying. Studying can already be draining in itself and it sounds like you are experiencing a lot of pressure to get into Masters at the moment.  Experiencing stress during the university semester is really common. There is a lot to get done and it can be a really challenging time to manage competing responsibilities. While experiencing stress is inevitable, it is important to notice whether this stress is having a significant impact in other areas of your life. From what you have mentioned, I can hear that stress has changed your eating habits, your weight and your wellbeing throughout the day. When this happens, it is really important to reach out for support, like you have done today with this postSmiley Happy


The other thing I would encourage you to do is to seek support from a mental health professional. If you are unsure where to go, the best place to start is at your GP's office. Is this something you have done/ thought of doing before? 


In the meantime, we have some information on stress and panic attacks which may have some helpful strategies for you to help manage what you are going through. There are also services like Kids Helpline and eHeadspace, if you need some further support. We are here to listen if you want to keep chatting about your experience here đź’–

sackerlyPosted 23-05-2022 06:38 PM

Thank you for your wonderful response. I am very appreciative that I have resources such as this to help myself and others through challenging scenarios and stress. Thank you for reading my response to the challenges I have been experiencing recently. I have been going through the information links attached in your response associated with stress and panic attacks to better understand and minimise stress at the root source. 

Philippa-ROPosted 24-05-2022 12:15 PM

We're so glad you found the responses helpful @sackerly - we're here for you any time you want to talk 💚

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