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I have a sore head

Hi, I have a sore head and I have no clue what to do as painkillers are not working. I am looking for advice. As to what I should do to get rid of the pain in my head. 

Sophia1998Posted 24-10-2022 04:31 PM


Taylor-ROPosted 24-10-2022 11:01 PM

Hi @Sophia1998


I am sorry to hear that you are in a lot of pain right now. That really sucks! Headaches are no fun at all. Is there an adult that you trust that you can speak to this about? Unfortunately we can't provide medical advice on our forums but if you need to talk to someone you can call Nurse On Call. You could also talk to your local doctor if you are still not feeling better. 

Sophia1998Posted 25-10-2022 07:19 AM

It is ok 

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