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TW: New Year, new me?
BTW feel free to move this to another space if its not in the right one and stuff Im fairly new to this.
So my "New Year" hasn't been good at all. I mean, yeah, I have had a few good runs as well but whenever another bad thing happens my mind wonders and thinks of all the previously bad things and it all snowballs (hopefully that makes sense!). Luckily, I have been using this app that is really useful for my anxiety it's called Finch and I highly recommend (sorry this sounds like an add, but I've only been using it for 2 weeks and it is a god send!).
I am a medical f*** up rn and if I gather up the courage, I'll make another post later about it. I would like to have a spa/pamper day for my birthday but I'm afraid it'll cost too much, or it will be weird for a teenager to do it or I still wont look pretty, idk those thoughts just run through my head even though I know they are not true I cant help it.
This post is weird but I am tired rn and am not thinking straight thank god this is anonymous or Im screwed!
Thank you for listening to my "Little Life Rant" (trade marked😂) now some good news! I got many books for xmas if anyone can recomend some romcom/rom dramas that would be nice or even looking into light hearted fantasy books! Im crocheting this really pretty top it is green with daisys and flare arms it gonna be cute. my collection od Squishmallows is almost at 100 I think (Ive lost count!). I got the Aphmau doll! My French is getting better and I've started learning japanese.
And yeah, thanks bye bye!😍
Hello @Kitty_Kat_goes_woof
It sounds like you have a lot of hobbies and activities to keep you busy! I also love that you've sought out an app that works for you and I myself will definitely check it out! I definitely recommend Korean dramas, such as Crash Landing on You if you have access to Netflix.
I can assure you that it's not weird at all for a teenager to seek out a spa day. I did activities like that all the time when I was a teenager, and even now. Whatever makes you feel good about yourself! 😁 If you're afraid it'll cost too much, consider how much you are willing to spend on it and try to work within that budget for various spa services, or look into different places and their pricing.
Hope this helps and hope you're looking after yourself and feeling okay!
Hi @Kitty_Kat_goes_woof Thank you for being so open with us about what's been happening for you. It sounds like you have been feeling pretty anxious starting the new year, but you have found a self-care app helpful, and have also been engaging in some pretty cool hobbies- reading, crocheting, collecting squishmallows, and learning 2 languages! We actually have a whole library of apps you might like to explore as well if you find apps helpful. It sounds like you also find humour a helpful way of processing things, judging by the title of your post and your trade marking 🙂
Despite the strength I can see in your use of coping strategies, I can also hear how confusing the messages from people in your life around your eating have been. It can be so frustrating and even upsetting when others make comments about our bodies. I know you said you don't have an eating disorder, but I would like to share the Butterfly Foundation as a support service, in case it is helpful. This can be a helpful resource for any kind of concerns around body image and eating, and you did mention that you were looking for reassurance
I was also wondering if you feel comfortable sharing whether you have any supports around the medical struggles you mentioned?
I just wanted to give you a heads up as well that I've made some edits to your post in accordance with our guidelines, and have also added a spoiler tag and trigger warning.
Firstly thank you @Astra-RO for the edits I was unsure but thank you for clearing that up. I wll be checking out a the rsouces you have offered from a glace they look helpful! As for your final question I dont quite understand I'm sorry.
And lastly I love how sweet you and everyone here is!