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This is for the people that just need to talk and chat when they're bored and lonely

so feel free to let it out 

watermelon_butterflyPosted 22-02-2023 10:09 AM


Red_FlamingoPosted 27-02-2023 12:08 AM

Hi @watermelon_butterfly


How are you? 


I am bored and lonely, so I am up for a chat whenever. 

watermelon_butterflyPosted 18-03-2023 01:51 PM

hello just come home from a friend's house it was so much fun but  now i am home. i am just chilling so i am free to chat with any one 

Red_FlamingoPosted 18-03-2023 01:55 PM

HI @watermelon_butterfly 


I am studying for my biochem practical and have to write a lab report. 


How are you?

Iona_ROPosted 22-02-2023 02:00 PM

Love that you've made this post for everyone @watermelon_butterfly🙌

Is there anything you'd like to chat about today?

watermelon_butterflyPosted 18-03-2023 01:54 PM

hey nothing much honestly just a couple of mini fight with sister that is it 

ruby_tPosted 25-03-2023 05:20 PM

Hey @watermelon_butterfly

I can relate to that.. I sometimes have little arguments with my siblings too. 

How has it been since then?

Red_FlamingoPosted 18-03-2023 02:08 PM

Oh that would be annoying I don't have any siblings so I can't relate. @watermelon_butterfly

Red_FlamingoPosted 25-03-2023 08:33 PM



How are you tonight? 

ruby_tPosted 25-03-2023 08:42 PM

Hey @Red_Flamingo

At the moment i'm alright but feeling pretty lonely. Not sure how sleeping tonight will go..

How are you ?

Red_FlamingoPosted 25-03-2023 09:00 PM

I'm sorry to hear you're feeling lonely @ruby_t


Did you want to talk about anything I am here for you if you do. 


I'm okay today. I went and saw the Australian Ballet, so I can't complain. 

ruby_tPosted 25-03-2023 09:04 PM

Wow that sounds amazing. I've been wanting to go and see something in the theatre. How was it ?

Thankyou, I don't have anyone else to talk to so that's really nice 

My anxiety and stress has been going through the roof recently, making everything extremely difficult ..

Red_FlamingoPosted 25-03-2023 09:16 PM

It was so good. I saw Don Quixote, which was terrific; just how elegant they are. 


That is all good, @ruby_t Do you try anything to help relieve your anxiety?


I know exactly how you feel about feeling lonely. It's the worst feeling, especially when you're in a room full of people and still feel alone. 

ruby_tPosted 25-03-2023 09:34 PM

My response didn't seem to send through.. But that sounds amazing @Red_Flamingo I'm glad you had a great time

I've been trying all different things, nothing seems to help a whole lot..

And i feel that way a lot.. But it's now different cause I feel more alone than lonely cause i don't actually have anyone

Red_FlamingoPosted 25-03-2023 09:42 PM

Yeah, anxiety is a hard one I do really like mediation, and the Balance app is great. 


Do you like meditation? I find it helps when my mind is racing at nighttime, and I can't get to sleep. 


What has happened to make you actually alone have you moved or something @ruby_t ? 

ruby_tPosted 25-03-2023 09:49 PM

I might try mediation. I've been trying to get into yoga and trying to get more into exercise. the motivation is the hard part though.. 

i think i've heard of the balance app before. i might give it a go.

no, just gone through an extremely heartbreaking break up and i only had them and i don't have anyone else so 

Red_FlamingoPosted 25-03-2023 09:53 PM

I'm so sorry you went through a breakup that sounds rough @ruby_t


I didn't like meditation initially, but the Balnace and smiling minds app has helped me a lot. 


Motivation is a big one, hey. I know for me earlier this week, I was having a really bad time with my depression and I just couldn't do anything I stayed in bed all day. 


Sometimes it's just about getting started because once I did go and have that very exhausting shower, I did feel a little bit better. Also when I try and go for a run at the gym I know it seems like just starting is the hardest part, but once you start, it feels so good. 

ruby_tPosted 25-03-2023 10:05 PM

I want to start going to the gym but i have no idea what the fuck to do. I want to really get into it and work on myself but i don't know how to get there...

do you have any workout recommendations? 

but thanks.. it's all just added on anxiety and depression i don't need yunno ? 


Red_FlamingoPosted 25-03-2023 10:08 PM

I use the stair master and do some arm and leg exercises. I want to work out how to do RDL and squats with the racks though that section on the gym looks so intimidating, doesn't it @ruby_t

ruby_tPosted 25-03-2023 10:14 PM

yeah it definitely does but that sounds good 

Red_FlamingoPosted 25-03-2023 10:11 PM

Also, I am just about to go to bed, so if I don't reply, I haven't forgotten to. I will try tomorrow. I'm exhausted and have an early moring tomorrow. 


I hope you have a good rest of your night, and hopefully, tomorrow, you'll feel a little bit less alone and always have me here. 


Good night @ruby_t

Pho-ROPosted 25-03-2023 09:41 PM

I think your post accidentally got caught in the spam filter @ruby_t but it should be visible now. 


I hope you will be able to count us here as people that you do have to turn to when things get rough 😊 Glad to have you with us 💚

ruby_tPosted 25-03-2023 09:47 PM

Thankyou !

ruby_tPosted 25-03-2023 09:27 PM

Sounds amazing, I'm glad you had a great time.

I've been trying everything, nothing really helps all that much, it comes back too often and then stays 

Yeah i get that feeling all the time.. but now it's harder cause i am alone more than lonely. I actually don't have anyone

watermelon_butterflyPosted 30-03-2023 08:21 PM

hey everyone sorry I missed alot I just have been really busy doing stuff. 

Welcome back!

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