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[possible TW?] 3 years since PULSE in Orlando

3 years ago on June 12 2016, 49 people were killed at PULSE- a queer club in Orlando, Florida

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Almost immediately after the media had reported on the tragedy, about 50,000 Orlando residents gathered around a lake in the centre of the city to hold a vigil for the victims.

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After this happened the news reached Australia, halfway across the globe people were remembering the victims and the Sydney harbour bridge was lit up in rainbow colours and memorials were held throughout all the major cities in Australia. 

harbour bridge.jpg

This just goes to show that it doesn't matter what you are struggling with; identity, family, friends, acceptance- there will always be people across the entire world who will fight for you, welcome you and who will care about you. Because the world is so much larger than the small bubble we all live in and there will always be something that is worth caring about.

not-an-otterPosted 12-06-2019 09:16 AM


Tiny_leafPosted 12-06-2019 11:19 AM

@not-an-otter I still remember when I heard about that.. it still doesn't feel like three years since it happened, even though that much time had passed. 

I think that day will be remembered by the queer community for a long time, both as the day we lost 49 beautiful people, and as the day when much of the world grieved with us. 





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