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Break up

Today I have decided to break up with my boyfriend because things are becoming too hectic. Wish me luck! 


It's going to be hard, but I'm aware that I have to make the right decision. I'm not sure yet how I will cope, but time will tell. 

batool_xx18Posted 11-04-2023 03:56 PM


IshiPosted 12-04-2023 07:58 PM

Hey, I know breaking up is a hard thing but sometimes we need to make the hard decisions for our own wellbeing. 


How do you feel today? All okay? People have different experiences with break-ups and it takes time to accept and move onto living your normal life.


I heard a story from someone that there are two types of people that come into your life. One becomes an part of your life and stays, the other may not stay for too long but they also have a big part in your life, you make memories, whether good or bad, they end up teaching you.


Think of this as an experience that taught you when to take the right decisions even if it's hard.


Take care, and if you ever need to talk we're always here for you 😊

Iona_ROPosted 12-04-2023 11:06 AM

Hey @batool_xx18

I just wanted to check in to see how you're feeling today?

I know you've shared with us in the past about how your boyfriend has been abusive, so I hope you are able to feel proud about deciding that breaking up is what's best for you. It's really not an easy decision to make and takes a lot of emotional strength, but you've got this and we've got your back 👏


I'm wondering if you've thought much about keeping yourself safe if he doesn't react well to the news? Are you able to let anyone know your plans, or ask if they can go with you if you're going to see him in person? I know we've shared 1800RESPECT with you quite a few times now, but in case you want to talk over a plan or need some advice on how best to approach things, their counsellors are experts on all of that and could be really helpful.

Pho-ROPosted 11-04-2023 04:57 PM

@batool_xx18 good luck!! I hope it can be an amicable separation, and of course it is very normal to have a lot of very conflicting emotions around a situation like this. Sounds like you are making a choice that honours yourself and your needs, and that can be so tough to do. Keep us posted, and of course we will be here to support you no matter the outcome. 

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