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How do I improve my selfcare?

Tulip_FinchPosted 27-04-2023 09:58 AM


ObsidianPosted 01-05-2023 06:23 PM

Hey @Tulip_Finch ,

It's great that you are taking active steps and working to improve your own self-care!

Similar to what the others said, I think it's important to keep it simple. Small things like journalling, going on walks, and listening to calming music/meditating can be a great place to start. I think of my room as a reflection of my mind so I tend to find that cleaning my room also works wonders.

Hope that helps!

moonloversPosted 29-04-2023 06:14 PM

Hi @Tulip_Finch

Such a great question!! Self-care is so important and it's great that you have asked this question 🙂

There is not necessarily one way to improve self-care. I would say many things to take into consideration. I will list a few here:

- consider the amount of sleep you get 

- drink plenty of water

- have a healthy diet 

- consider some exercise (walking for about 15 minutes can boost your mood!)

- write things down/journal (I know this has helped me a lot)

- watch your favourite shows 

- spend some quality time with your loved ones


There are lots of ways to practice and improve self-care. Try all or try some and see what you like the most and what works for you the most!


I think one important point we often miss is to say NO. People often find it hard to say no as it might let others down, but in some situations, we have to prioritise our mental health, which might mean we have to say "no" to some things. Additionally, I think having some self-awareness is good too as this would help us to know what we like and what we dislike - further helping us to realise when someone crosses the line or the boundary we have set.


I hope that helps! 😊

dewgongPosted 28-04-2023 05:29 PM

Hi @Tulip_Finch


The resources that @Iona_RO and @waterlemon shared are definitely worth checking out! You can also find extra idea lists online for some self-care ideas if nothing is standing out to you. Sometimes finding out what really helps takes some trial and error. I've had times in my life where it felt really hard to do anything and it felt like what I thought was self-care at the time just wasn't working, or I couldn't find the motivation to do it. It really helped me to make a long list of what others do and then highlighting some things I can try each week. I found some things that really work for me (and some that don't) through doing that and continue to use them my self-care practice today! 


Keep in mind that self-care doesn't have to be complicated. It's whatever helps you to recharge and take your mind off things. Usually something simple and easy is better when you've already had a long or stressful day 😊

Iona_ROPosted 27-04-2023 03:40 PM

Hey @Tulip_Finch

Self-care is so important for our overall wellbeing, so it's really great to see you exploring what that might look like for you.

@waterlemon shared a really great thread where lots of other community members have shared ways they've practiced self-care, do you think you could try any of those? If you'd like some more suggestions, check out this article on how to be awesome at self-care too.

waterlemonPosted 27-04-2023 01:00 PM

Hi @Tulip_Finch


Although I can't give a more detailed advice on improving your self care routine as self care is different for different people, a good rule of thumb for me is just giving yourself a break from everything or do something you really like. This might be a good place to find some self care inspirations


Hope this helps!

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