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Overcoming sleep

I have a problem with waking up early. At the moment I have no job and don’t have anything to motivate me to wake up early. This has been going on for a while and I’m wondering, how can I overcome this? This has affected my uni as I don’t even have motivation to study like I used to in past. 😞

Apricot_BearPosted 18-01-2022 03:23 PM


StormySeas17Posted 22-01-2022 02:18 PM

Hey @Apricot_Bear I also really struggle to get up in the morning. Some really good tips have been made here including forcing yourself to get out of bed with external things like classes or moving your alarm, setting your alarm earlier so at least if you 'snooze' you'll still wake up at a decent time, and also getting to sleep earlier. I was wondering if you've found it hard to fall asleep as well? 

November13Posted 21-01-2022 04:10 PM

Ahh yeah it's tricky to wake up early if there's nothing forcing you - I totally feel you. Are your uni classes early in the morning?


Would you be able to find someone who can wake you up or do something with you in the morning? If not I've found that setting an alarm and leaving my phone as far from my bed as possible while I can still hear my alarm really helps, both to keep you from being on your phone all night and to force you to get out of bed early. Hopefully that may work for you as well?

Squishy12456Posted 20-01-2022 01:26 PM

I feel that, are you going to bed at reasonable hours? I used to be able to get up early no matter what but now I lack motivation all the time. I find that if I can manage to sleep at an early hour I feel obligated to get up earlier as well, that might help haha

Good luck! :))

Taylor-ROPosted 18-01-2022 09:34 PM

Hi @Apricot_Bear


I am really sorry to hear that you are struggling with this at the moment and that it is also impacting your motivation. Please know that you aren't alone, it can be hard to feel motivated to wake up early when you don't have a good reason to.


Sometimes when people don't have a lot to do in their day, they try to make a plan for their day anyway. Whether that is eating breakfast, going for a walk, study time or reading time. The aim is to try to create a routine or a schedule to follow which can help you feel more in control of your day. Do you think this would be helpful for you?


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