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Post studies stress

Like many others who have been finishing high school and university this year, I have just recently finished my studies at university and I have been experiencing some anxiety post-finishing. I have worries such as: will I find a job now that I have finished? Will I like the job? Is this the right job for me? What if I can't find a job for months on end? 


So I'm just wondering if anyone is in a similar situation to me or not, what would you do to manage these feelings of anxiety? I'd love to hear people's thoughts and if you are going through something like this, you are not alone!

Blueberry_KuduPosted 27-11-2023 10:32 AM


RaraPosted 11-12-2023 11:41 AM

Hi @Blueberry_Kudu 

I completely relate to this, while I am still studying, I am already stressing about what I will do after uni. I am trying to decide whether I should continue studying or work, whether I need to try and find work in the industry now but that's hard because of my uni timetable. Then when I don't get the grade I want in the subject I enjoy or want to be the main focus of my career it does cause a lot of anxiety. 


To manage it, I talk to friends who are currently studying or have finished recently to help them understand that it can take time and the grades don't always matter. I also try to talk to people within the industry they help me understand that a uni degree is only one part of the job possibly and it's not everything. I am also considering seeking out our career counsellor this year to help me see what pathway I could take. 

Blueberry_KuduPosted 12-12-2023 04:20 PM

Hi @Rara 

I get what you mean, there's a bit of uncertainty around uni and what will happen next, whether you should do this or that. It's great that you talk to friends about these worries, I try to do the same just to get different perspectives. Talking to people within the industry sounds like a great idea, I have only spoken to a few people but I definitely need to talk to more people to get more opinions.


I've also booked in to speak to a career counsellor this week, so hopefully that helps me and gives me some direction. 

Nymeria-ROPosted 11-12-2023 02:14 PM

Hi @Rara,


I'm sorry you're feeling stressed lately. I can imagine what a tough decision that must be. Working and studying can be a real challenge and the thought of work impacting your grades is such a valid worry I'm sure many people share with you.


I'm so glad you're talking to your friends about this, knowing someone was in the same position not long ago can be so reassuring, and a helpful reminder that you're not alone in what you're feeling right now. Seeing a career counsellor is a great idea too. I think it might help to check out this article on making decisions, and this one on career anxiety may also be helpful.


It sounds like you're taking a lot of steps to deal with the anxiety of studying and work. Can you think of any other ways you might be able to manage this stress? Do you have any hobbies or other ways to manage when you're feeling particularly stressed?

RaraPosted 12-12-2023 03:29 PM

Hi @Nymeria-RO 

Thanks for the reply. 

I go to the gym a lot and that helps me manage anxiety and lets me switch my brain off. I read a lot and I like to bake something I can put all my energy into. I've recently started painting our spare room in our house so that helps me when I am stressed. 

I have a pretty good relationship with my boss so being able to talk to her about things with uni and figuring out my workloads is a way I can manage the stress between work and uni, she doesn't mind if I need a moment to breathe. 

frogonthelakePosted 01-12-2023 11:44 AM

Hey @Blueberry_Kudu 

Like @Greenfern said, thank you for the relatable post. It helps a lot to see people going through similar situations as mine, though I guess mine's a bit different. 

Although I will start university next year, as I just finished my pathway course, I'm also seeking a job. I have thoughts just like you and also a bit of occasional self-criticism too. You know, most friends of mine already have a job or at least experience, while I haven't even finished my first resume. I will soon encounter my first working experience ever so I'm a little nervous now haha. I don't even know where to start or if I would be able to find a job with no previous experience of any kind. My only hope is a few volunteering experiences that could make me stand out a bit more. 

To manage my anxiety, I often practice self-talk and self-reassurance. I usually tell myself that the thing I should focus on the most right now is my mental health since I have a few months of break before uni starts and I'm still on my way to recovering from academic burnout. I mean, I would not be able to do anything if I'm mentally unstable so I thought a little self-assurance on what's the most important thing to me right now would help. I also tell myself that my resume doesn't seem that bad, with volunteering experience and academic activities, it seems quite decent. 

I hope this helps:)

Blueberry_KuduPosted 04-12-2023 03:06 PM

Hey @frogonthelake 


Thank you for your reply!! That is absolutely okay that you haven't started your first resume, everyone does things at a different pace, I was the same as you. Definitely look into volunteering, it can be really helpful with gaining some work experience and shows future employers that you are eager to learn. 


Ohh that's so cool, what do you plan on studying and what kind of work experience will you be doing? Practicing self-talk and self-assurance sounds like it would be helpful, I definitely need to do more of that, I sometimes get stuck in a cycle of negative thinking patterns which is not great, but I try to be positive.


I totally get what you mean with the academic burnout, that's how I feel right now after finishing uni. Prioritising mental health is important, but sometimes difficult.  


All the best with your first work experience, very exciting! 

GreenfernPosted 27-11-2023 02:26 PM

Hi @Blueberry_Kudu 


Thank you so much for making this post! This is so relatable. 🙂


I think I am currently in a very similar situation. I have literally just finished my university studies about a month ago, and have been looking for jobs. Gradually, the uncertain-nature of job search has increased my anxiety; compared to applying for a university course and summer programs, the outcome of a job application just feels so much more mysterious/enigmatic/dubious to me. (I can hardly find the right word to describe it😅) While yes, there are usually clear selection criteria, there are very limited spots for a job compared to the places for students in an university; it honestly feels like I'm never quite sure why someone is selected or not selected for the job. (if that makes sense) To make things harder, a lot of places don't really give a reply, so it can really evoke feelings of self-doubt and a lack of clarity/what to do better next time; however, that has meant that, I am very grateful for any reply I have gotten, because it serves as a sort of recognition and validation.


As to managing these feelings of anxiety, I am still learning as well. It's the first time I've been in this kind of situation; so far, I think setting regular goals and valuing time for hobbies/interaction with others has kept me in a relatively healthy state. Another thing I've started doing recently is thinking about other options I may have, including possibly going to organizations in person and asking for any relevant volunteering opportunities; I've also reflected upon my applications and tried to improve the presentation of my resume/cover letter. In summary, I think focusing on what I can do in the present, accepting the uncertain nature of job search, and not over-pressuring myself has helped with anxiety.


Hope this helps, and once again I'm so glad you made this post! 😄



Blueberry_KuduPosted 27-11-2023 05:48 PM

Hey @Greenfern 


Thank you so much for your reply! It's so interesting to read other people's stories. 😄


I can relate to pretty much everything you just said, especially the part about it feeling enigmatic and dubious. It's such a weird and uncertain feeling not knowing what's going to happen. You're right a lot of companies don't reply, I've applied to a few jobs lately and surprisingly I did hear back from one or two which kind of gave me some reassurance. What did you study might I ask?


I've been trying to do the same thing, trying out new hobbies, seeing friends etc. It helps to some degree but there's always that thought at the back of my mind. Going to organisations in person sounds like a good idea however I'm probably not so confident to do that haha. 


All the best to you, and I hope you find something eventually!



GreenfernPosted 04-12-2023 11:42 AM

Hi @Blueberry_Kudu 


I recently finished a bachelor of science with honours in psychology and minor in anthropology. I think for my case it feels even more uncertain, because there aren't really clear cut graduate programs or graduate jobs for psychology/anthropology (unlike grad jobs for commerce/business and engineering...). People tend to eventually aim for masters or pursue academia, and the "grad jobs" are really only for people enrolled in masters program......but then admissions into a masters program is sooo competitive and I don't want to just keep studying :((


How about you what did you study?


It's nice to hear we've got similar experiences 🙂 I haven't gone to organizations in person yet.......soon!😅 It does feel intimidating/somewhat scary and it's more of a desperate attempt.


Good luck to you as well!





Blueberry_KuduPosted 05-12-2023 03:12 PM

Hi @Greenfern 


Oh wow what a cool degree! I studied bachelor of commerce. Do you plan on going into psychology or anthropology or something else? Yeah I get what you mean it may be difficult to find graduate jobs, especially for anthropology but I'm sure there is something out there! 


I don't really want to keep studying either, I didn't even consider going into postgraduate study I kind of just went straight to thinking about the workforce. I've applied to a whole heap of new jobs but still haven't heard, not sure if it's because of the time of year or not. 🤔

GreenfernPosted 06-12-2023 01:01 PM

Hey @Blueberry_Kudu 


Hmm I actually don't mind doing something anthropology-related or psychology related. 🙂


To be honest I'm starting to have the same thoughts! It seems to be peak job application period since it's approaching the end of the year. Maybe it's the most competitive time of the year and everyone is looking for jobs/or switching jobs for some people😅


What did you major in for commerce btw?

Blueberry_KuduPosted 07-12-2023 12:15 PM

Hey @Greenfern 


Sounds cool, I majored in marketing. 


Yeah maybe it's more competitive at this time of year, I've been unlucky so far I've been told some roles have been filled already. Hopefully, they have some new jobs out in the new year. 


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