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Self Care and Wellbeing This Summer ☀️🏝


Hello everyone on the online community!


With the summer season well underway and quality holiday time around Christmas and New Years, we need to prioritise our self care and wellbeing by doing the things we love and enjoying it with others.

Below are 3 Goals for uplifting your wellbeing and ensure you spend this summer with joy and fun!


1. De-stress 📚 --> At the end of the year, we are wrapping up our studies and/or work lives for a well deserved break. This past couple of weeks may have been stressful for you, but luckily the time is finally here to relax. Anxiety and stress comes with our studying and working lives because our ambitions can make us feel nervous as we want to perform to the best of our ability. This is the time to de-stress and relax, so stress doesn't get in the way of having a good time. Celebrate your achievements and have a good time.


2. Fun activities 🌊🏈🏒 --> This is the time to prioritise lots of fun and joy. Choosing fun things to do is optimal to enjoy yourself and essential for good physical and mental health. Exercise is important for you to feel good physically and feel nice and cleared mentally. Here are many fun activity ideas:

Sports/recreational activity (e.g. runs, gym, cycling, bushwalks and team sports) - Swimming (e.g. beach and pool) - Travel (e.g. car trips and train trips to places you haven't been before) - Extra (arcade, sightseeing, museums, city explore, eating out).


3. Family and friends 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦❤️ --> Spending time doing fun activities is even better as a celebration with family or friends. With a lot of young people here, friendships can get difficult and you might feel a little down when it comes to socialising (I used to feel really down a lot about socialising), but find even one good friend or a group of friends to have a really good time. Having fun together is always better. Spend time with your family as well because we should show our love for our parents, siblings and extended family.


The Goals 1, 2 and 3 I think are really important so you can put your wellbeing and self care first. It is best done when prioritising your physical and mental health through fun activities and is even better with the support of your family and friends!

Time for some fun and a nice wellbeing boost! 😀 From @Beach_enjoyer2101.🏝🌊

Beach_enjoyer2101Posted 18-12-2024 02:38 PM

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