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WOOP WOOP MUSIC (Tw: slight mention of SH)

I've found that a way that I relax is listening to really loud music, it's kind of weird because it can make us fall asleep. We tend to have a very mixed music playlist, it's no surprise since we are a system. Another way we relax is to play around with paint, pencils and art supplies. 


Art is a very effective way to help us battle against SH, to be more specific, painting directly on ourself really helps. The idea that we can change an awful thought into something beautiful gives us an amazing feeling. I'll try and find some of the photos of the artworks we've done in the past week and a bit. 

TeddyboisPosted 25-10-2022 09:58 PM


Blake_ROPosted 26-10-2022 04:27 PM

Hey @Teddybois

Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

I’m so happy to hear that you have found such powerful and beautiful coping strategies and so glad that you have shared this.

We are looking forward to seeing some photos! I loveee art and have been painting a lot recently, it’s my favourite thing to do for self-care. Is there anything in particular that you love painting? 

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