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What is one thing (or multiple) that you love about yourself?

Hi community 😊

What is one thing that you love about yourself? Could be a physical attribute, personality trait, etc...


I'll go first - I love my initiative to get stuff done & I love my tattoo's.


What about you? 💛

Green_GhostPosted 07-08-2024 07:05 PM


Hermes-the-messengerPosted 30-01-2025 03:17 PM

My ability to pick up most hand crafts quickly

Sherbet_DuckPosted 03-09-2024 09:49 PM

This is such a good reflective activity! I love my ability to empathise with others and just how much I care about those close to me!

Green_GhostPosted 04-09-2024 05:19 PM

Very caring and compassionate of you @Sherbet_Duck ☺️

GemzPosted 26-08-2024 02:51 PM

Hi there! 😊 

I love that I’m always curious and eager to learn new things—it keeps life exciting and helps me grow. I also really appreciate my ability to empathize with others; connecting with people and understanding their experiences can make a positive impact. 🌟📚 

It’s awesome that you love your initiative and your tattoos! Your drive to get things done is such a valuable trait. I admire both of those qualities! 👏🖋 

Green_GhostPosted 28-08-2024 05:48 PM

Thank you @Gemz😊

I love that you have a passion for learning! And empathising with others! Me too 😎📚

GoldenPosted 23-08-2024 12:04 PM

This is such a great question! 💜 Two things I really love about myself are my work ethic and resilience

Green_GhostPosted 26-08-2024 11:02 AM

Great qualities to have @Golden💪

danexistPosted 18-08-2024 09:05 PM

I love that I can play music and I don't need no fancy teacher to teach me. It's just me and my music!

Green_GhostPosted 19-08-2024 11:48 AM

Sounds impressive @danexist👍

Tulip_BatPosted 16-08-2024 02:47 PM

I think this is such a great question to take a break & have some positive introspection during our day! 


I'll agree that I L-O-V-E all my tattoos & I also think my curly hair is super gorg! & on an interpersonal level I think I am a very good friend and big sister😊

Green_GhostPosted 19-08-2024 11:47 AM

I love that @Tulip_Bat  

I also love my curly hair too (when it cooperates) 😊

It's great that you can identify these things!

Scarlet_LocustPosted 12-08-2024 09:45 PM

Aww @Green_Ghost this is such a lovely post idea 💜!!!


Two of my favourite things about myself are the softness with which I care for others, and my love for fun dangly earrings.


Thank you so much for posting this, it was really nice to take a second to give myself a bit of love and care 😊.


Also, it's so cool that you have tattoos!! I'd love to get a couple someday!

Green_GhostPosted 14-08-2024 06:06 PM

I love these @Scarlet_Locust

Softness is such a nice way to put it ☺️

squarePosted 08-08-2024 07:32 PM

Thank you for asking this question which makes me think of my good things 🤣 I love how I get along with the people I love and how I take care of them 💓

Green_GhostPosted 12-08-2024 11:01 AM

That's lovely @square ☺️

Matcha_ToadPosted 08-08-2024 09:46 AM

Hi @Green_Ghost

Thank you so much for making this post, it's such a lovely question!

I can actually finally say that there is a lot that I love and admire about myself, which is a massive thing for someone who struggled with low self-esteem, body image issues, insecurities etc.

I really love my passion for learning new things and my passion for helping others; doing both of these things truly fulfil me. I also really admire my intelligence, wittiness and I also really like the colour of my eyes.

- Matcha_Toad 🐸🍵💚

Scarlet_LocustPosted 12-08-2024 09:48 PM

Your reply made me smile and melt a little @Matcha_Toad . It's so incredibly lovely that you've gotten to a place where you feel this way 💜

Green_GhostPosted 12-08-2024 11:04 AM

@Matcha_Toad I love that you can list so many things ☺️

the_amazing_goosePosted 08-08-2024 12:20 AM

Hey @Green_Ghost I love this question!


One thing that I love about myself is my genuine passion for helping others. I feel such a sense of happiness when I can provide people with resources or information about things. It's a very similar feeling to having a hair tie or an extra pen when someone needs it and you so happen to have one. 


It's an amazing feeling, and I am happy that I can work in a position where I can help people 🙂


P.s. I'm a support worker 

Green_GhostPosted 12-08-2024 11:05 AM

I know exactly what you mean @the_amazing_goose ☺️

LilacLeopard14Posted 07-08-2024 11:31 PM

what a beautiful idea @Green_Ghost💓

I would say I love my creativity - I love looking around or using things I've made or decorated to suit my style and personality more. It makes even the most boring things/tasks more fun.


I also love my ability to be grateful. I have kept a gratitude journal for nearly two years now and try to think of a different thing I am grateful for each day. It has taught me to look for the positives no matter what and appreciate everything - no matter how small. 

thankyou for this post. It made me reflect and realise that appreciating ourselves shouldn't be as hard as it is sometimes, and that I should do it more 🙂

Green_GhostPosted 12-08-2024 11:08 AM

Glad to help @LilacLeopard14😊 


That idea of a gratitude journal is fascinating! I can't believe it's been going for about two years! 👏

miso_soupPosted 07-08-2024 07:56 PM

Hi @Green_Ghost

That's a really good question! It really made me reflect on my good qualities. 

I would say one thing that I really love about myself is my growing appreciation for my own culture and my curiosity to learn about others. I haven't always felt this way growing up so feeling more connected with my culture has definitely been something I'm super proud of.

oh and i really like my tattoos too 🙂

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