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What's one nice thing you can do for yourself today?

For instance, today I bought myself a little treat from the shops because I've been working so hard 😊

Green_GhostPosted 25-11-2024 01:07 PM


Matcha_ToadPosted 27-11-2024 10:30 AM

A nice thing that I can do for myself today is to allow myself to set aside some time today to bake some brownies 🥰

sunnygirl606Posted 27-11-2024 10:15 AM

sounds silly but a nice thing im doing for myself today is clean my house - this reset puts me in a great mood!

Scarlet_LocustPosted 25-11-2024 03:21 PM

Love this post @Green_Ghost !! I'm so glad you bought yourself a little treat, I swear little treats are what makes the world go round 🥰. Today i'm going to spend some time cuddling my dogs 💗

Catlover101Posted 25-11-2024 01:31 PM

I can take some time before bed to read and take it slow doing my night tme routine!

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