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hey everyone!
I think I could possibly have ADHD but I'm not sure how to ask my mum if I can get tested I have been doing a lot of research and I have a lot of symptoms


random_28828372Posted 19-01-2022 07:38 PM


Iona-ROPosted 02-03-2022 03:22 PM

Hi @random_28828372 


I wanted to check in and see how you're going 😊 I was diagnosed with ADHD last year, so can totally understand how much you must want to get tested. Did you manage to bring it up with your mum or talk to a GP about it?

Jennifer-ROPosted 19-01-2022 10:00 PM

Heya @random_28828372 


Thanks for posting again today! It’s definitely worth having a talk with your mum and your doctor if you have concerns about your mental health 😊

A good way to look at having your mental health assessed and diagnosed (if appropriate) is to get a mental health care plan and then speak to a psychologist and/or psychiatrist. We have an article about this here:


What are your concerns about raising this with your mum?

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