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Hello friends! 


So tonight we are going to do a reflection using the Blob Tree. What's the Blob Tree? I hear you ask.




Blob tree.jpg



Step One: Pick a blob on the Blob Tree that best reflects how you're feeling today.

Step Two: Think about what has led you to feel that way today - has something in particular impacted your mood, your thoughts, your feelings?

Step Three: Choose a blob that you'd like to be - this can be one that seems fun, happy, content, at peace, connected, or whatever else is important to you

Step Four: Think about what things are in your control that you could do differently to move towards feeling like this second, aspirational blob. We can't change how we feel, but we can do our best to be kind to ourselves and behave in a way that aligns with the person we want to be.

Hi everyone! Bringing back this thread for tonight's Weekly Wellbeing, so let's get to it:


1. Today I feel like Blob 6, because he's climbing his way up and doing his best to help out poor number 7, but still enjoying himself. 

2. I relate to Blob 6 at the moment because I'm movnig into a new job where I have a new opportunity to help people who are struggling. I feel as though I'm climbing my way up to new opportunities and trying to enjoy the process of going through these changes. 


Joe Biden Quote GIF by Creative Courage


3. I'd like to be Blob 10, because he's nice and high in the tree but still standing on a solid foundation. He's not necessarily at the top of the tree, but he seems happy and content where he is. This is something that really resonates with me as I go through the tricky journey of eating disorder recovery - it can be hard at times not to look ahead and wish that I was at the end, but I'm learning to be happy with the progress I am making, no matter what size I am or what my body looks like. 

4. To get towards being my best Blob 10 self, I know that I can keep looking after myself as well as I can and continue on my recovery journey while I'm taking new steps in my work life. For me, this looks like continuing to see my psychologist and GP, making some time to see a psychiatrist for a review of my medication, moving my body by doing activities I truly enjoy, making space for fun and laughter with friends and family, and continuing to reach out to my support network when things get difficult. 

@Portia_RO I love this! The blobs are so cute!!

They're awesome right? Some of them look like they're having an absolute ball


I like number 10, idk why he is so content standing there on his platform but he seems pleased about it 😆 Thank you for introducing me to them, I really think I will use this

Here's my blob reflection for today!


1. Today I'm feeling a bit like Blob 3. He seems like he's struggling a little bit, but he's trying and he's making some progress. 


2. Yesterday, I was Blob 1, and I felt like I was hanging on for dear life. Some of my family is sick with COVID, I've been struggling with my depression lately and I'm missing my parents who live far away. But today I reached out to my girlfriend to talk about the things that are hard for me right now. We took her dogs for a walk, which really boosted my mood, and made me feel like I was less alone. I also let my Mum now how I'm feeling, and we agreed that when everyone has recovered from COVID, I should make some time to come home and spend some time with the people that matter most to me. I'm still working my way up the tree, which represents managing my depression right now, but I feel like I've got someone supporting me now, which is really nice.

Happy Summer GIF by deinechristine


3. I'd really like to be Blob 9. He seems really care-free and like he's having a great time. He's being bold, taking risks, and swinging his way into each day.


 4. To be more like Blob 9, I know that I need to keep doing good things to fight my depression. I can't control the fact that I'm feeling this way, but I can do lots of things to get myself back on track. I can channel my inner Blob 9 by spending more time outside, talking to my family about how I'm feeling even if it feels hard, and by taking a leap of faith by filling out my Masters application next week.


What about you? What blob are you channeling today?

Star contributor

sometimes I feel like I've tried every coping/wellbeing thing out there, but I've gotta say I've never heard of the blob tree 😆 I'll try to remember to come back tonight!

Gotta keep the wellbeing activities spicy @lemurien! I have to admit, I only heard of this yesterday, but I loved it and wanted to share it with everyone