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I recently came across something that talked about picturing your future self as your best friend. Meaning that in the moment when there's something you know would be good to do for your future self, but that your current self is more inclined to be lazy about, you instead imagine that you'd be doing the thing for someone else.

I'm thinking this might be good for me because I'm far better at being motivated enough to follow through on something if it's for someone other than me. 

For example, with waking and getting up early: Think of it more like you told your best friend that you'd wake up to do something with/for them. This carries through, because like anything that you then do upon waking up is something you've done with/for your future self.

You start your uni work, because you told your best friend that you'd be free to do something else later, or because you wanted to be able to go over it together again, helping each other, later.

I haven't really put this into practice yet, but I'm liking the reframing of present and future self.

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