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WW: 6th March- Mental health journey as a squiggle

My mental health journey as a squiggle


I was inspired by @gina-RO's presentation at last year's mod workshop about how our mental health recovery is not as straight-forward; it's full of ups and downs and endless twists and turns! So I thought, why not turn this into a wellbeing activity?


Screen Shot 2019-02-19 at 11.41.25 am.png

Here is how the activity works:


1. Draw and then post a picture of your "squiggle" that represents your mental health journey in the style of the squiggles in the above picture. 


2. Make sure that your squiggle ends with an arrow going "up". This represents how posting your squiggle is making positive progress in your mental health journey, as you acknowledge that while recovery is not as straight-forward and may involve a lot of "downs", the "ups" in your squiggles indicate that there is hope. 


For example, here is mine: 

Scan 26 Feb 2019 at 1.02 pm.jpg


Keen to see yours! Smiley Very Happy

Hope is just around the corner; you think it's not there when you first look straight ahead, but it actually is when you turn around
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