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Hi @LachSmith , I think testing things out this weekend is a great idea. I know it can be tempting to keep pushing yourself beyond breaking point in the name of performance sometimes, but it sounds like you're listening to yourself and really taking note of what you need, which sounds really healthy. I know I get the best out of myself when I'm feeling physically and mentally settled, so maybe a break could be really productive if you feel like you need one. 


With regard to finding a psychologist that specialises in sport, you might find it useful to have a look at Find a Psychologist. It's a search engine developed by the Australian Psychological Society that helps people look for a psych that suits their needs in their area. There's an option to search based on the issues you're experiencing, and there's a category called 'Motivation in Sport' so hopefully that might help you find someone who knows a bit about high performance in sport and what it's like to have worries as an athlete. 

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