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Hi @Masquerade_HS


I've just taken some time to read through your whole thread and I totally feel you! I'm bi/pan and have experienced a lot of bi-erasure & offensive jokes too. It really hurts, especially when it comes from loved ones. I'm really sorry you've had to experience that. 


I also just wanted to say well done for coming out to your dad. That must have been such a nerve wracking thing to do knowing his beliefs and that he might not be accepting of it. Please take some time to acknowlege how brave you were in doing that, and how awesome it is that you love yourself enough to want to be your authentic self. That's something to be really proud of.


I'm really sorry to hear that your family make offensive jokes and comments. It isn't something you should have to deal with. Approaching your brother sounds like a good idea. I think unfortunately, a lot of people say these types of things out of habit and without actually really realising how hurtful it is. Not that that's an excuse. But maybe explaining to your brother why what he says actually really hurts you, might help him understand the effects of his actions more and stop. What do you think?

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