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It’s crazy how similar things are for me right now. Reading your post, I almost thought I was reading my own life back to me. I’ve graduated uni a year ago and don’t have a job in my fields yet. I’m so sorry to hear how tough things have been. Believe me I know how you’re feeling. I like routine in my life so I’ve been making an effort to do all the recommended things like exercise, eat right, watch/read, so short courses but like you I’m finding joy in none of it. My psychologist speaks a lot about individual timelines, how everyone has their own pace. 
I hope you recognise the important things you’ve achieved like graduating and working. These are HUGE accomplishments, massive! It sounds like you could benefit from some regular peer support. Is there anyone you can speak to regularly, that you trust about your concerns. Also

since home doesn’t seem to feel like a safe space, is there an area you can carve out as your safe space. I still live with my parents so sometimes it becomes suffocating and my exercise (just walking) is a breather from that. It’s sad how easily we tend to put ourselves down so let me be the one to say from what I’ve read the resilience you’ve demonstrated is admirable and I’m so proud of you 💜. Even struggling you are thinking about how to help your family.  I think you should have a look into creating a self-care plan for yourself (if you don’t already have one) and who knows you may discover a new hobby you would’ve never thought to have enjoyed. Nothing I’m saying is going to be easy so take it at your own pace. I noticed you saying you felt like you were the only one feeling like this and I assure you that’s not the case. This doesn’t change anything but I want you to know you truly are not alone. It’s a cliche but true that some things come to us when the time is right. The most we can do it give ourselves the space and opportunity to live and thrive in the present. Jobs will always be there so don’t feel the need to rush against this imaginary clock. Time is a social construct anyway. You’re still very young considering the stage of life you’re in so be kind to yourself. For me that meant focusing on things hour by hour because that was the most I could manage. That doesn’t mean I’m falling behind or lacking in anyway. It’s just my way of coping and I don’t owe anyone answers about how I live my life. I wish you all the best and remember to celebrate the little things too! 
Take care,


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