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Hey @bestboycarl😊

Thank you for reaching out for some support around this. I know it can feel a bit awkward talking about sex and this kind of stuff, but there is absolutely no shame or judgement here. We are very much about taking away the stigma around these topics! So well done for posting 👏


Firsty, I'm really glad to hear that you've talked to your partner about the possibility of having sex when you meet up in person, it's so important to have open communication around sex and consent. Do you think you would feel comfortable opening up the conversation a bit more and letting them know how you're feeling about it? It could be really great to talk to them about your bowel/digestive issues so they were aware and able to make you feel as comfortable as possible before, during and after you have sex (if you decide to have sex). That way if anything did happen, you might feel less awkward about speaking up if anything was going on for you. What do you think?


Also, you're definitely not gross! Sex has a tendency to get messy regardless - sweat, fluids, periods, poop can all come into play depending on how you're having sex and who with, but it's totally normal. As long as you're keeping yourself safe, that's really the main thing! 


Have you spoken to your GP about your digestive issues before? It might be good to book an appointment with them and have a chat. Even if it's just to figure out whether it's being caused by your anxiety or if there's something else going on for your body. Always best to get checked out 😊

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