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Choosing a career stress?

Hi RO Forums! 

I just wanted to raise the topic on the stress behind choosing an education and career pathway. I sometimes feel as If I am stuck between feeling like I am not motivated toward any field of study to then feeling like I want to do a number of completely different things that sometimes do not align with each other. I wanted to ask what are you guys currently studying / pursuing? and how did you pave your way to your current path? 

Since I graduated in 2019, I have studied at TAFE. I’ve also landed a casual job at a place where I get to see animals everyday, which I feel very lucky to have. So I don’t feel totally out of place 🙂 and I do have some areas that spark my interest 

• Making documentaries or writing articles about the environment

• Being a health specialist or health advisor 

• Being an illustrator / creative artist

• Being a tour guide 

All of these roles require different qualifications and skills though- which has made me confused about which path I should take.


I am also a bit on the fence about going to university. TAFE has had a do-able work load, with straight forward tasks and it doesn't have a heavy debt waiting for me to pay off. Coming from a low socio-economic background with a sole parent who has a disability - having a debt that requires hard work to pay off is really scary to me, especially being stuck in a cycle of capitalism. My mum says for me to not go to uni because it will be an unbelievable amount of stress and expense to pay. 

However I do know it will motivate some growth and give me more opportunity to pursue an interest. 

I feel like I wish someone would just tell me what to do at this point 🙃 So I’m keen for any advice.


thanks guys!!


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