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Hi @Ani_Faeth thank you for taking the time to share with us today. I'm sorry to hear that your friend has been putting you in such an uncomfortable position. I can only imagine how hurtful and frustrating this must be for you.

I can hear just how much you care about your friend and how much you don't want to hurt them, that just shows what a kindhearted and caring person you are. It can also be really hard when you are the only person your friend talks to about their mental health, so I can understand your confusion. How do you manage such heavy information? Is there someone you feel comfortable talking to when things get hard? 

You mentioned that you have spoken to this friend about their behaviour before, do you mind me asking how they responded to this? Did you notice any change after bringing it up with them? If you are interested in having a bit of a read, we do have an article on How to tell your friend that they have hurt you, which might give you a couple of ideas of what to do next. I just want to remind you that you are important too and you matter. We're all here for you 💜

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