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Thank you for listening @Courtney-RO it means a lot that I can come here and you guys will listen so compassionately to whatever my thought process may be. It just helps that it's not only in my head, and seeing kind replies sort of models for me how I could be kinder to myself when I have these thoughts.


I actually liked that article! When I think about thought challenging/reframing I always think about all that stuff they teach you about finding distortions and figuring out if your thoughts are logical or realistic. Normally I either decide, "yes, it's logical to be negative about this, so shut up!" or "no, it's not logical but I don't care, it makes no difference to how I feel!" But this article had some different options which I appreciate.


I wanted to update as well that I met with the psychiatrist and I got a good vibe from her which has really given me hope. She took my history so carefully but then she said we would need another appointment to talk more before we could move forward, and I was so upset for a moment because my next appointment wasn't for another month. But no, she gave me another appointment for next week 🙂 I felt like it showed her commitment to helping me. A lot of psychs would be too busy and just say you have to wait.


Something nice for myself tonight... well just because you asked, I've decided to go have a chocolate biscuit 😆

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