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Hi @Lee101 and thank you for being brave and sharing with us today!

I'm so sorry to hear that you have been dealing with a lot of anxiety around your year 12 formal. That does sound like a lot of stress and pressure to be managing right now. I do want to say though, that no matter what your school think of your chosen attire, the fact that you have found something that you are comfortable in and that makes you feel good in yourself, that is huge in itself and you should be really proud of that!

You mentioned that your parents are making you go, so I was just wondering if you have spoken to them about your concerns? Do you think they would be open to a compromise and maybe even consider picking you up a bit earlier so you won't have to be there too long?

I can hear that you have a lot of questions around what to expect so I am just wondering if there is someone that you would feel comfortable asking about this? Is there maybe a teacher that you like that you would feel comfortable emailing or chatting to after class? Formal's can be really hard to prepare for as it can be different for every school. In my experience, as I went to an all female school it wasn't unusual for students to attend solo but we did have to sit down on tables assigned by the school and eat dinner (that we had paid for earlier). Though I know that everyone's experience is different. Do you know of anyone you might be able to ask for more information on the night? 

If you ever want to talk to someone, I suggest reaching out to a support service like Kids Helpline or QLife who are both available via phone or webchat.

I just want to remind you that you're not alone and we're all here for you 💜

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