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Hi @Lee101


I'm so incredibly sorry that you are feeling so much stress and anxiety about this, I know you really liked the suit that you got for the formal! 


How are you feeling today? Sorry to ask, but I want to check-in and see if there was any chance that you might harm yourself?


As last Friday was Wear It Purple Day - Did you sense if other students were supportive of this at all?


Seeing as you don't feel comfortable talking to any of the teachers, is there someone specific that is responsible for the organising, and would you feel comfortable speaking to them? Or is there an option to have your mum or dad call the school and make the enquiries on your behalf, so that you can feel better prepared for the evening? 


Here are some articles on panic attacks, anxiety, and This Way Up has a short online course on Social Anxiety. I also want to reiterate how great QLife are, and they offer webchat as well if you're not up for talking to someone over the phone. 


Take care of yourself, and please let us know how you're feeling 💜



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