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Hey @Tulip_Starling, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. Losing someone so close to you like that can be so heartbreaking, even moreso around this time of year. I lost my dad a while ago, so I can definitely understand feeling left out around Father's Day, especially when people are buying gifts and creating cards. I always struggle around Father's Day too and have to find things to keep myself busy. 

You mentioned that being supportive of others in the community is something you like to do when people aren't teasing you. Do you mind me asking what you mean by that? Do people tease you often? 

I also noticed in another comment that you have been feeling stressed and start to overthink things, so I am wondering if you have been able to find anything that helps relax or even distract you? I am also wondering if maybe there is something special you can do tomorrow to remember your dad? Maybe you could start a little tradition to help you get through such a hard day. Is there anything that you could do that reminds you of him? 

I just want to remind you that we're all here for you 💜

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