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Hey @Dem--RO 


Thanks for the advice. I've looked into the mindfulness videos. I don't know if they help but it was a nice few minutes.

In terms of school, no one said anything out of the ordinary but I did notice something different than normal. I have this feeling in my chest. It's very hard to explain but it's like a straining, pulling my chest/heart forward as well as down. Sounds weird but I know this is the response to my anxiety. It happens when I am panicking and overwhelmed usually in a social setting that triggers me. But today I felt it, all day. It is never longer than an hour but today it lasted the entire day. So I asked myself what am I anxious about? but I couldn't give myself a definite answer, not in the moment. I'mma assume it's just generalised anxiety and stress from a number of things and my body's tired of it. But if you know what I'm talking about, I'm open to suggestions on what it is. 

I have exams this week, that's why I answered this post early but I think I am fine. Thank you for all the help. 

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