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Thank you @Dem--RO 


I am doing much better. The exams were ok. Weren't as good as I was hoping but they were just mocks so I have time to study. However, my psych exam was my best and am proud of that.

The photographer came up to me last week about the group photo at the Formal (which I missed out on because of the balloon situation) and noticed I wasn't in it and told me that they'll photoshop me in it, which I wasn't expecting. Cause I didn't think they'd care. 


I have enrolled in Uni and am mostly set up, just need to do the financial and I think I just need to be stronger and go to my parents. The funny thing is, over the past year I feel more mature, like almost different to how I was and I am liking it. Two days ago, for example, I caught myself in the mirror and looked at myself and saw how much I have changed. Granted I have put on weight, but with my hairstyle and facial hair growing, I feel like I am liking myself for the first time in a long time. I think I am almost ready to be Lee, unapologetically.


So I thank all that have posted and replied to my posts and to all those that have posted their own posts that have inspired me. Thank you.

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