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Frequent scribe


Hi so update, 


I tried to speak to one of the people, he said he forgot what happened and kept on saying he didn't know what to do cause he didn't remember, but as soon as I brought up some stuff specific to the even he somehow immediately remembered what he did and that he had done nothing wrong. I tried to remain calm despite the fact that the other members of the group were there and standing close by, and I told him he could either tell the truth and get me out of a situation I didn't want to be in, or there would be no friendship or anything. The girl then decided to join in the conversation asking what exactly he had done wrong. and when i told her i didn't want her to enter the conversation they both left and got mad. So I'm spending my last day of high school crying in the wellbeing room. I guess I've lost all of them, wasted four years of my time, including the year and a bit where I dated one of them. 

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