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I’m so sorry to hear how your parents responded. That must’ve been such a disappointing reaction for you. Personally, I believe you’re never to young or old to stop learning about yourself and your identity. Acceptance is such a powerful tool. I wanted to share two sources that has incredibly insightful content that you might find helps in your journey to understanding yourself. QLife offers a ton of LGBTIQA+ resources and offers call and webchat service, if you ever wanted to speak with someone. Also, Beyond Blue has compiled a list of helpful contacts and websites that you can have a browse through and see if any are relevant to you. 
I want to add that it may be the case that your parents are coming to terms about your identity as well and with time I’m hoping they will come to support whatever choice you make but you can always count on us to make this safe space and available for you so don’t hesitate to reach out (get it haha) and ask for support! 
You are human, you are valid and you matter 💜

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